Chapter 33

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters!


[Chapter 33]



            I stared down at Dorian’s lifeless body and tried to comprehend what had exactly happened, everything around me seemed fuzzy and unclear. I looked up and stared at Nathan who was hunched over, his one hand covering his face, so I couldn’t even tell if he was crying or what. I looked off to the side to see Teddy and Scorpius next to me, I think they were saying something to me, their lips were moving but I didn’t hear anything coming from their mouths. When I looked back down to see Dorian’s body one more time, I finally was able to figure out what Teddy and Scorpius were trying to tell me. My mind seemed to freeze as I looked down at the pile of ash that used to hold a body in its place. I reached my hand out and felt the ash seep onto the palm of my hand, dust moving from my palm back to the ground. I could feel Dorian in my own hands, feel his warmth, feel his courage and finally, I could feel his happiness in his last moments. I could only hope that when he left, he was at least able to see Azalea when he went to the man with the bright face.

I looked over at Nathan, his arm was still bleeding profusely from where his hand should be, but from his wrist down, there was nothing but blood. Scorpius was next to him, talking to him I suppose, trying to help him with his arm—in all reality though I couldn’t understand what he was saying and I didn’t care. I never experience a real death before, the only death I’ve ever seen was Sam, my mother’s friend and that’s when I was still small, not able to understand what death truly was. However, now that I sit here staring down at the pile of ash that use to be my father, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness in me, I mean I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, Teddy was talking to me again, but I heard nothing. Why did they have to talk to me? Why couldn’t they just leave me alone? “RIDDLE!” I heard Teddy’s voice break through as I blinked up at him. “We have to get out of here! Dorian’s dead! But do you really think he would want you to be like this? You’re acting all pathetic!”

I looked off to the side and looked to see Nathan was still gripping the ground of grass in his one good hand as Scorpius was trying to hastily wrap some sort of makeshift bandage around his bleeding stump with his jacket. I knew Nathan was beating himself up because he felt it was his fault and you know part of me thought it was his fault. Either way though, it wasn’t right, even if Dorian didn’t die today in the battle, he would have died anyways. I pushed myself up from the ground, letting the rest of the ashes from my father seep through my fingers and back to the ground, and then I looked down at Nathan. “Get up Nathan; it’s not your fault. Even if Dorian didn’t die today, he would have died later on because he was a fallen angel. So get up and get to he castle and have Marley looked at that. You’ve lost a lot of blood and you’re only going to lose more. Then you’ll be worthless.” I said as I looked at Nathan, Scorpius and Teddy staring at me as I stood up and finally realized that we were still in this battler. This was not over yet, and I would not let Dorian’s death go in vain.

“Good to see you back Riddle,” Teddy replied as he looked over at me.

“Almost thought we lost you Clary,” Scorpius replied as I smiled at him and then watched as Nathan picked his head up, looking up at me with his tear stained face.

“Clary I’m—“ I held my hand up in order to cut off his apology.

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