Chapter 1

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Princess Elara of the icy planet of Hoth was used to suffering. As a princess, she knew that she was privileged, but privilege often came with a price. Ever since her father, the King of Hoth, died of sickness, everything had taken a turn for the worst. Her mother was forced to remarry, and the man that took her father's place in the throne was possibly the most horrible person Elara had the misfortune of meeting. Not only did he make unjust decisions as King, he often beat Elara and her older brother, Jonah, when the siblings decided to disagree with the man. Elara had learned to keep quiet, but Jonah, on the other hand, refused to show any form of obedience. The princess admired her brother's courage, but wished he didn't get himself into trouble so much. Purple bruises that often sat on the boy's body were enough to tell Elara that Jonah had no intention of stopping anytime soon. Elara wished for a day where they all could escape from this icy prison, but she had also learned not to get her hopes up.

     Most days on Hoth went by without any interesting event, but today, was different from any other. Jonah and Elara were sitting on a balcony, that overlooked the large planet covered with snow and ice. Having been on Hoth their entire lives, the siblings had grown very accustomed to the cold weather, and it rarely bothered them. Just when Elara thought they were finally getting a moment of peace, the cruel man that haunted her dreams loudly stormed into the room.

"There you are, you scum!" King Balthasar shouted, as his long cape flowed behind him. "We have Jedi visitors, and I expect you two in the throne room immediately, unless you would prefer a beating."

Elara exchanged a surprised glance with her brother at the word Jedi. The princess stood up quickly, before following the irritated King to the throne room. Jonah, of course, followed only because of his sister.

"Jedi? In Hoth?" Elara whispered to her brother, astounded.

"Strange, huh? What kind of business could they have here?" Jonah replied, with his eyebrows knitted in confusion. Elara shrugged, although she felt this weird sensation flow throughout her body, that seemed impossible to describe. She decided to ignore it.

As the three entered the room, they were met with an older appearing man, and a younger boy, both dressed in Jedi robes.

The younger boy looked about Elara's age, with light brown locks and blue eyes. Elara recognized him as a padawan, with the braid that fell behind his ear.

"Ah, the older man must be his master." The princess thought, glancing at the auburn-bearded adult.

"Behave, or else." The King whispered quietly, but still managed to sound threatening. Elara felt a shiver run down her spine at his words.

"It is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness." The older Jedi spoke, as the two bowed respectfully.

"The pleasure is all mine, Obi-wan Kenobi." The King spoke coldly. "Is this your apprentice?" He questioned, studying the boy next to Obi-wan.

"Indeed. Anakin Skywalker is my loyal padawan." The Jedi Master replied, putting a hand on Anakin's shoulder.

"Interesting." King Balthasar commented, before taking a step closer. "Now, tell me. What business do Jedi such as yourself have in Hoth?"

"We are actually here to discuss Princess Elara, Your Highness." Obi-wan spoke, glancing at the light-haired girl.

Balthasar placed a rough hand on Elara's pale shoulder, before urging her forward. The princess felt herself begin to shake.

"Her? What could you possibly want with her?" The King spat, as Jonah glared at him for laying a hand on his sister.

"The Jedi Council have detected that her midi-chlorian levels are unusually high." Obi-wan explained. "We have been sent to retrieve the princess and train her to become a Jedi."

"Is this some kind of joke, Jedi?" Balthasar demanded, furiously. "You want to train this scrawny, useless, girl?"

"It has been seen that she will play a very important role in the prophecy." The Jedi Master spoke calmly. "We must take the Princess."

"What? You can't just take my sister away and force her to become a Jedi!" Jonah shouted, about to walk forward when the King wrapped a ruthless hand around the Prince's neck.

"I told you to behave, you disgraceful scum!" Balthasar shouted, tightening his grip, while Jonah began to gasp for air.

Suddenly, the odd sensation Elara felt before suddenly became much stronger. The Princess felt all of the anger and sadness she had been storing away for years build up, at the sight before her.

Almost as if on command, she raised her hand and sent the King flying across the room, where he roughly slammed into a wall.

"Don't ever touch my brother again!" Elara shouted, forming a tight fist that began to force choke Balthasar.

The King wrapped his hands around his neck, coughing loudly, as everyone stared at Elara in shock.

"Forgive me, Princess." Obi-wan spoke, before using the Force to cause Elara to pass out. Anakin raced over quickly and managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

"That was a good call, Master." The padawan commented, carrying Elara towards the ship.

"I try, Anakin." Obi-wan stated, as he calmly approached Jonah, who appeared incredibly stunned.

"I'm deeply sorry that we have to leave you here, my friend. " The Jedi Master spoke.

"...Take good care of her for me." Jonah replied, as the two shook hands.

"I give you my word." Obi-wan smiled.

And as if nothing had ever happened, the starship containing the former Princess of Hoth disappeared into the gloomy sky.

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