Chapter 7

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"Master Obi-wan, Master Windu, it is very good to see you again." Senator Amidala spoke, shaking the hand of both Jedi. The group of four had only arrived moments earlier.

"And you, Senator." Obi-wan replied, with a kind smile. The Senator returned the smile before turning to face Anakin.

"Ani? My goodness you've grown!" She exclaimed.

"So have you, milady." Anakin replied, and Elara could have sworn she sensed an unknown emotion coming from the boy, that he seemed to be hiding.

"Princess Elara?" The Senator questioned, once she had turned to face the younger girl. Elara was surprised that the Senator had recognized her.

"I worked with your father a few years back, and he talked about you and your brother quite often. He really was a great man." Senator Amidala explained, at Elara's confused expression.

"That explains it." Elara smiled, hiding the burst of emotion she felt at the mention of her father. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Senator."

"And you, Elara." Padmé replied, shaking Elara's hand. "I wasn't aware that the Princess of Hoth was being trained to become a Jedi." She added, turning to look at the Masters.

"Her midi-chlorian levels are quite high, and she was recently detected as force sensitive by the Council." Master Windu explained.

"I see." The Senator nodded in understanding.

A few hours then passed, after a discussion on who could be trying to murder Padmé came up. She retired to bed shortly after, and the group of four were left alone.

"Master Windu!" A voice on the Jedi's com-link exclaimed, catching the attention of the man.

"What is the situation?" He replied.

"Master Yoda has requested that you return to the Jedi Temple right away." The young voice explained.

"Then inform him that I shall return." Master Windu stated, and ended the call.

"Padawan, I trust that you will be responsible under Master Kenobi's watch?" He directed to Elara, who turned from her place at the window.

"I promise, Master." She replied.

"Very well. Inform Master Kenobi and the others." Windu ordered, before exiting the room swiftly.

"I wonder what was so important that he was called back to the temple..." Elara thought, approaching Obi-wan and Anakin, who were standing on the balcony.

"Master Kenobi, my Master was requested to return to the Jedi temple immediately." She spoke softly, catching the attention of the two men.

"By who, Elara?" Obi-wan questioned.

"Master Yoda." The girl replied, standing next to Anakin.

"Then there must be an important reason for his absence." Obi-wan stated, and the two Padawans' nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Elara had an intense gut feeling that something was not right. She turned to look at Anakin, and was concerned to see that he seemed alarmed as well.

"Master-" He began, but was not able to finish.

"I sensed it too." Obi-wan replied quickly, and the three sprinted to Senator Amidala's room with no further dialogue.

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