Chapter 4

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A few weeks had gone by since Elara met the Jedi Council. She was assigned as a Padawan to Master Windu, and had been training non stop ever since. Despite the fact that her skills were getting good, she felt as though everyone thought of her as nothing but a whiny Princess. One day, where she was training with Anakin, and another specific Padawan she could not help but dislike, things began to change.

Elara was sparring with the Padawan, by the name of Zachary, and as their lightsabers clashed, he felt the need to taunt her.

"Aw, am I going too hard on my little Princess?" He smirked, as Anakin watched with furrowed eyebrows.

"I am not your little Princess!" Elara retorted, pushing more weight on her lightsaber, causing Zachary to lose his balance. The girl then kicked him in the chest, which sent him flying backwards.

Enraged, Zachary stood up and and charged over to Elara. He grabbed the girl by her long hair, and kicked her to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I don't listen to banished Princesses." He spat. Elara suddenly felt a familiar sensation...a familiar power, surge through her.

Elara flipped her lightsaber up and sliced off the hair Zachary was grasping, leaving her with short hair. She then whipped her hand up, and used the Force to send the boy flying across the room, where he crashed into the wall.

"Banished Princess? I wasn't banished! Is this what people are saying about me?" The girl thought, about to act again when Anakin came rushing over.

"Elara, calm down!" He exclaimed, grasping her hands to prevent any more action.

The girl had flashbacks to what she had done to the King on Hoth, and the horror on every face in the room. She began thinking that her own brother must have been afraid of her.

"I'm sorry." Elara breathed, as Anakin looked at her with concern.

"Don't be. Come on, let's go get help." He spoke, before leading her away quickly.

Later on, Anakin and Elara were called by Master Kenobi and Master Windu for a discussion.

The pair of Padawans sat next to each other on a couch, with their Master's sitting in the same position on the couch facing them.

"Elara, I hope you will be pleased to hear that Zachary has been treated for his injuries, and is going to be perfectly fine." Master Windu spoke, eyeing the girl with displeasure.

"I am, Master." Elara spoke quietly, fiddling with her fingers.

"You need to learn how to control your anger, Elara. It is not acceptable for you to whip fellow Padawans across the room when an argument occurs." Windu spoke. "Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master." Elara stated.

"Good. I trust that this will not happen again?" The Master asked, and Elara nodded with confirmation.

"As for you. Anakin." Obi-wan began, while Anakin cringed.

"I appreciate you calling for help, but if you had acted earlier and not allowed the situation to escalate, all of this could have been avoided." The man spoke.

"You are right, Master. I apologize." Anakin replied.

"Good. From now on, you two are only allowed to spar with each other." Obi-wan stated.

"This will continue until you two can prove that you are mature enough to practise with other Padawans." Master Windu added, before both Jedi stood up.

"Get to bed now, both of you. You'll have to awake early for a mission." Obi-wan informed the two, before him and Master Windu exited the room.

In unison, Elara and Anakin let out breaths that they didn't know they were holding in.

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