Chapter 12

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As soon as Elara and Obi-wan had stepped off their speeder, they were approached by Master Windu.

"Padawan, the Council has requested that you accompany Master Kenobi and I to an urgent meeting." The man spoke, seeming tense.

"What for, Master?" Elara questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, as padawans rarely attended council meetings.

"We must discuss a very important matter concerning you." Master Windu replied, as he began to walk forwards towards the council room. Obi-wan and Elara followed the man.

"Am I in trouble, Master?" Elara asked, as she began to worry.

"You have done nothing wrong, Padawan." Master Windu replied. Elara knew that she should feel relieved at that statement, but she could not shake the nervousness building up within.

Soon enough, they had reached the Council room, and Elara tried to disguise her nervousness as best as she could. They entered the room silently, with Master Windu and Obi-wan taking their usual seats. Elara figured that she should stand in the middle of the room where all of the Master's chairs were circled around. The girl bowed in respect before all of her superiors.

"Padawan Elara, we have come here to discuss an important matter involving your family." Master Windu spoke. "The King of Hoth has recently claimed custody over you, and is attempting to return you to Hoth permanently."

Elara felt her entire body stiffen, and she suddenly began to feel extremely cold. This could not be happening. The Jedi took her away from Hoth for a reason. The King could not possibly have that much power over the Jedi Council.

"Do you wish to return to Hoth, and cease to complete your Jedi training?" Windu asked.

"Of course not, Master." Elara replied. The only reason she would ever return to that icy wasteland would be to save her brother, Jonah. Elara planned to, in fact, when she was strong enough.

"I figured that would be your reply. However, the King of Hoth is not taking no for an answer, and has resulted to getting the Senate involved." The girl's Master stated.

"Do you plan on sending me away?" Elara asked, feeling her heart drop.

"Of course not, Elara. We truly want you here." Obi-wan spoke up, attempting to reassure the young girl.

"Thank you, Master Kenobi." She bowed, feeling slightly better.

"We will have to testify why Elara must remain in the order." Master Windu stated.

"Is it worth getting the King of Hoth on our bad side? What if the Senate sides with him?" Another man spoke.

"She did start her training far too late." A Jedi Master in the form of a hologram agreed.

"Elara has already impressed me greatly with her skills. I do not think the amount of time she has spent training should be a determining factor in this matter." Obi-wan spoke. Elara wanted to hug the man. She couldn't help but feel as if most people were siding against her.

"While that may be true, Master Kenobi, how exactly will it sound to the Senate when we state that she is merely a Padawan who has been training for simply a few months? It doesn't make her sound important enough for us to declare custody of." The holographic man argued.

"Do you mean to say that all Padawans are not of importance?" Master Windu questioned, seeming slightly annoyed.

"Of course not. Most Padawans have been training since they were younglings. This girl's training has barely begun." The man replied.

"Master Yoda, what is your opinion on this matter?" Master Windu questioned, with his voice echoing across the large room. Everyone waited in anticipation of the Grand Master's response.

"Strong in the force, she is. Complete her training, she must."

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