Chapter 9

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Elara and Obi-wan quickly raced through the busy crowd near the sight of the fallen speeder, in pursuit of the bounty hunter and Anakin. After using their Jedi senses, they came to a stop in front of a bar, and quickly spotted the Padawan they were looking for.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan called, as he and Elara moved forwards to meet the boy.

"Master, she went into the club." Anakin spoke, beginning to walk forwards. Elara extended her arm in front of the boy to stop him.

"Don't you think that you're going to need this?" She asked, and unclasped the boy's lightsaber from her belt. Anakin breathed a sigh of relief and took his weapon from the girl's outstretched hand.

"Thank you, Elara!" He praised, while Obi-wan eyed him with disapproval for loosing it in the first place. Anakin moved to walk forward once again.

"Patience, use the force. He went in there to hide, not to run." Obi-wan stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Master." Anakin replied, with a sigh.

"That weapon is your life, Anakin." Obi-wan gestured towards the lightsaber Elara had just returned to the boy. "Why do I feel like you're going to be the death of me?" The Jedi Master continued, and began to walk into the club. Elara and Anakin quickly followed.

"Perhaps it's because of his reckless flying?" Elara offered. Anakin elbowed her in the side.

"Please, Master. You're the closest thing I have to a father." He spoke. 

"Then why don't you ever listen to me?" Obi-wan questioned, coming to a stop and looking around the club. "Do you see him?"

"I think it's a she. I also think she's a changeling." Anakin informed his Master.

"Then we must be extra careful." The Jedi Master stated, and turned his gaze towards Elara. "Especially you, Elara. Someone must have recognized you already." 

"Put your hood up, Princess." Anakin smirked, keeping his voice down.

"I thought we agreed that you would stop calling me that." Elara scowled, but pulled her hood up to hide her face.

"I never agreed to anything!" The boy protested. 

"Younglings, just go and find her." Obi-wan ordered, before beginning to walk away.

"And where are you going, Master Kenobi?" Elara called, furrowing her eyebrows.

"To get a drink." He stated simply, and continued to walk. Elara sighed.

"Well, it will be more efficient if we split up." The girl directed to Anakin, after Obi-wan was out of sight.

"Younglings?" Anakin repeated what his Master had called them earlier, with defeat.

"Anakin, did you hear anything I just said?" Elara questioned, feeling uncomfortable with all of the stares the both of them were getting. 

"Oh, right, yeah. Let's split up." The boy agreed, and quit his pouting. 

The pair exchanged one last glance, before they walked off in different directions.

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