Chapter 3

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A short amount of time had passed when the starship finally landed in Coruscant. Before Elara could exit the ship, Anakin Skywalker extended his arm in front of her.

"My master instructed me to give you this to wear." The boy explained, before handing her a brown robe.

"What is the reason for that?" Elara questioned, as she slipped it on over her blue dress.

"We don't want anyone to recognize you, Princess." He replied, flipping the hood of Elara's robe up.

"You can call me by my name, Anakin." Elara spoke, rolling her eyes as Obi-wan approached the two.

"I prefer calling you Princess, Princess." Anakin smirked, causing his Master to appear unimpressed.

"I think you've harassed Elara enough, Anakin." The man spoke, placing a hand on his Padawan's shoulder and steering him away as the door to the ship opened.

Upon stepping on to the new planet, Elara was met with a warm temperature, which was nothing she had ever experienced before.

"It's warm!" She exclaimed, with surprise evident in her tone.

"You say that like it's surprising." Anakin commented, his blue eyes full of amusement.

"Anakin, does your common sense tell you nothing? Elara grew up on the coldest planet in the galaxy." Obi-wan sighed, as Anakin's face lit up with realization.

"Uh- oh look there's the Speeder we will be flying to the Jedi temple!" Anakin exclaimed, with clear over-excitement, before jogging over to the vehicle.

Elara and Obi-wan exchanged a glance, before following the boy to the speeder.

"Anakin, try not to fly so recklessly this time." Obi-wan requested, as they all hopped into the speeder, resulting with Elara squished in the middle.

"Don't worry Master, I know how you hate flying." Anakin replied, adjusting the controls.

"I don't mind flying, but I come close to death every time I'm in a speeder with you." Obi-wan retorted, while Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Hold on tight, Princess." The boy spoke, as he urged the speeder forwards, and began to fly through the city with intense speed.

"I told you not to call me that!" Elara exclaimed, as she tried not to visualize death.

"Oh, I apologize. I was talking to my Master!" Anakin explained, with a goofy grin.

Obi-wan had his eyes closed tightly, but Elara could tell he was unamused.

"When I was a Padawan, I knew not to disrespect my Master! Is that so hard for you to understand Anakin?" Obi-wan scolded.

"Master, I referred to you as royalty! I don't see that as disrespect!" Anakin replied, as Obi-wan sighed.

"Do you see what I have to deal with, Elara?" The Jedi Master spoke, furrowing his eyebrows as Anakin took another sharp turn.

"You two are quite the pair." Elara said with a laugh, before Anakin suddenly swooped the speeder downwards very quickly. She then gripped on to the Padawan's arm tightly and resisted letting out a scream.

"I'm beginning to understand how you feel, Master Kenobi!" Elara complained, as Anakin let out an airy chuckle.

"Come on, this is fun!" The boy cheered.

"If you call constantly feeling close to death fun, I think you need to sort out your priorities Anakin." Obi-wan replied, as the speeder finally began to slow down. Despite Anakin's reckless flying, he could surprisingly park very well.

The speeder came to a smooth stop, and Elara felt that it was finally safe enough to release her grip on Anakin's arm.

"Remind me to never fly in a speeder with you again." Elara spoke, before flicking Anakin's forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows at the impact, before flicking her back. This went on for a while, before Obi-wan let out a sigh.

"Would you two please stop engaging in a flicking war? We have The Jedi Council to meet." He stated, hopping out of the speeder.

Elara flicked Anakin once more, before following the Master Jedi out of the vehicle.

"I won." She smiled, as Anakin joined them.

"This isn't over." He assured her, while the three walked to the Jedi Temple.

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