Chapter 18

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Elara woke up the next morning, and almost immediately sensed something strange. She quickly got dressed, before rushing out to the dining pavilion. Anakin was standing in front of the breakfast table, and appeared to be talking to Padmé about something.

"Anakin? Is everything all right?" Elara questioned, taking her place at his side.

"I thought you were asleep, Ellie." The boy muttered, and Padmé seemed to look at him knowingly.

"Does she know something I don't?" Elara found herself thinking.

"Clearly, I'm very much awake. What's going on?" The girl spoke again, and eyed Anakin expectantly.

"My mother is in trouble. I have to go back to Tatooine and help her." The boy explained, wearily.

"How do you know this?" Elara questioned, softly. She could tell the boy was troubled just by looking at him. He may have looked completely normal to those who didn't know him well, but it was the small details that mattered. His blue eyes that were usually so bright and full of life, didn't seem as if the light was reaching them anymore. The boy, who always stood tall to flaunt his intimidating height, was slightly hunched over in stress. Elara felt the worry within her deepen.

"I saw it in a dream." He whispered, and Elara grabbed his hand without thinking.

"Let's go." She spoke, and was about to make her way to a ship. The girl knew about the true horror of dreams all too well.

"Wait! You both can't just leave and go to Tatooine all by yourselves! That's dangerous!" Padmé exclaimed, in an attempt to stop the pair.

"We'll be back, Senator. Please stay here, where we know you are safe." Elara pleaded. Padmé let out a defeated sigh.

"I will let you two go, on one condition." She spoke, with her stern Senator tone kicking in.

"What is your condition, Senator?" Anakin questioned.

"I am coming with you, that is my condition." Padmé declared, and walked over to the pair defiantly. The duo, in unison, let out a sigh.

"As you wish, Senator." Elara had no choice but to agree, and tried not to think of the consequences that leaving Naboo without the Council's permission would inflict upon them.


The trio were settled in Padmé's ship, and were set to arrive to the desert planet in a few hours.

"Where I'm from, the Jedi aren't well-liked." Anakin began to explain. "Do you two by chance, have any desert scavenger appearing clothes?"

"Anakin, why would we have any desert scavenger appearing clothes?" Elara questioned, with amusement evident in her tone.

"Actually, I think I may have some desert scavenger appearing clothes." Padmé admitted, and stood up from her seat.

"Why do you have desert scavenger appearing clothes, Senator?" Elara wondered, with mild surprise.

"I have multiple disguises handy in case I need one, and even a few for my team." Padmé explained. "Come with me, Elara. I'll bring you a disguise as well, Ani." She added, before leading the younger girl to the back of the ship. They entered a bedroom, and the Senator opened a closet within the room.

"Here, this should fit." Padmé spoke, before handing Elara a basic scavenger outfit. As Padmé continued to look for clothes, the younger girl quickly changed into her disguise. (

"That looks great!" Padmé squealed, upon turning away from her place at the closet.

"Thanks." Elara smiled, and noticed that the Senator was holding another pair of scavenger appearing clothes, for Anakin.

"Are you not putting on a disguise?" She wondered, and glanced at the beautiful white dress that the Senator was wearing.

"It's Jedi that are not liked well, and I am no Jedi!" Padmé explained, with one hand resting on her hip.

"But won't you be uncomfortable wearing a dress on a desert planet?" Elara asked with amusement.

"Fashion is pain, Elara." Padmé replied, and they both let out a laugh before exiting the room.

"Here, Ani." Padmé spoke, once they had returned to the front of the ship.

"Thank you, but there's no need for me to change. It was that one that I was worried about." Anakin explained, and nodded his head towards Elara.

"Why were you worried about me, and why wouldn't you also need a disguise? We are both Jedi, and you said that Jedi are not liked well where you're from!" Elara replied, and crossed her arms defiantly.

"Because, you're the Princess of Hoth. And if two of us are wearing scavenger disguises and the Senator isn't, it would look a bit suspicious. Why would two scavengers, who scavenge around for parts to sell in order to earn money, be travelling with a well-dressed Senator?" Anakin replied, with a smirk.

"I was the Princess of Hoth." Elara corrected him, with a glare.

"My bad, scavenger." The boy replied, goofily.

"I finally approve of a nickname and you go back to calling me annoying ones?" Elara groaned, and Padmé prepared herself for the bickering.

"Are you calling all scavengers annoying?" Anakin spoke, with a sly smile.

"No, I'm calling your tendency to refer to me as what I am not, annoying." The girl explained.

"You know what-" The boy began, before the Senator cut him off.

"Could you two please stop arguing? I'm sure your Master would refer to you both as younglings if you didn't start to behave yourselves." Padmé demanded.

Nonetheless, the pair did stop bickering after that statement.

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