Chapter 15

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"Thank you, Senator Amidala." Elara bowed, feeling incredibly grateful for Padmé's support.

"Don't mention it, Elara." The Senator smiled. "And please, call me Padmé." She added. Elara nodded with a chuckle.

"Also, the Council decided that based on recent events, it would be the best and safest option to send you home to Naboo with Elara and Anakin." Obi-wan directed to Padmé.

"I understand." The Senator nodded. "When will we be leaving?" She questioned.

"Tomorrow morning." Obi-wan replied, causing the Senator to gape.

"Tomorrow morning? Goodness, I have to pack!" She exclaimed, before scurrying off with one of her handmaidens, who flashed the group an apologetic smile. Elara and Anakin laughed, while Obi-wan shook his head in amusement.

"This is your first solo mission, so I expect that you two will be responsible at all times and protect the Senator past your best ability." The Jedi Master spoke, once the trio had settled down.

"Yes, Master." Anakin nodded.

"Prove yourself to be the skilled Padawans I know you are, no matter how simple the mission may seem. Is that understood?" Obi-wan continued.

"Yes, Master Kenobi." Elara replied. "What will you be doing while we are on Naboo?" The girl added.

"I, and the rest of the Council will be testifying for your custody. I will also be tracking down the person behind Padmé's most recent assassination attempt." The Jedi Master explained, while the Padawans gaped.

"That sounds a lot more interesting than our mission!" Anakin exclaimed, although he was looking forward to visiting Naboo.

"Know your place, Anakin. Your missions will continue to increase in difficulty as you mature. Appreciate the simple tasks you face now." Obi-wan lectured.

"Yes, Master." Anakin groaned.

"You, at least, must be looking forward to visiting a new planet, right Elara?" Obi-wan turned to the girl.

"Of course, Master Kenobi. Although I must admit, I would also like to track down the jerk that tried to murder Padmé!" Elara exclaimed, causing the Jedi Master to chuckle.

"I know you would, young ones. Perhaps one day you'll be able to assist me with a mission similar to this one." Obi-wan spoke, tilting his head in deep thought.

"Or maybe one day you can assist us with a mission similar to this one!" Anakin suggested, with a cheeky grin. Obi-wan rolled his eyes.

"Very funny, Anakin." The Jedi Master replied. "I'd say it's time for you two to get to bed." He continued, before shooing the two Padawans away, despite their many protests.

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