7. The Fight

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Hey guys :)

Here's the next bit.. Sorry I haven't updated in a while!

Let me know what you think!!


~The Fight~

Your walking around school and everyone was staring at you. Everyone's conversations stopped when you walked past. You felt so uncomfortable. You went and had lunch with Milly over in your usual spot.

"Everyone keeps staring at me" you say taking a bite of your lettuce sandwich.

"They are all jealous." She rolls get eyes "don't worry about them"

All of a sudden Milly looks up and her posture hardens.

You turn around to see Brigit. The girl who think she runs the school.

"Olivia. I heard about your new boyfriend" She Snickers.

"What of it" you say.

"He dosnt actually like you! It's obvious, he wants you for your money! Who would like you anyway. Your ugly and so stuck up its not funny! " Her voice rises.

"Look who's talking" Milly Says

"Shut up!" Brigit snaps

"Look just leave! I've had enough crap for one day!" You say, your voice starts rising. You stand up and walk so your an arm length away.

"Olivia" Milly whispers loudly, I could hear.

"He's never going to want you Brigit! Stop wasting your time" You say

"What you say" Brigit slaps your right cheek. It's stings like crazy and you could feel a hand mark rising on your cheek. You hold your cheek and without thinking, use your other hand to slap her back as hard as you could. Milly stands up, a bit un sure of what to do. She comes to my side. A huge crowd quickly surrounds us. Brigit grabs my hair and starts pulling, I try to grab her arms at the same time I was kicking her legs.

"Fight, Fight, Fight" you could hear everyone around you chanting. You see Milly grab Brigits waist trying to grab her off me. Brigit trips backwards and Milly steps back. You and Brigit get into an intense brawl. Your whole face feels swollen and sore. Milly now try's to grab your waist and pull you off, Brigits nose was bleeding. You see you went too far. A teacher comes over and yells "GIRLS, PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!!!!"

You get up and grab your stuff. You couldn't tell if your eyes were watering a lot or crying. Milly grabs you a tissue and gives it you. Milly comes with you to the office. You looked at your reflection on your phone. Your makeup had all ran and your had small cuts and bruises next your black eye, red hand print on your cheek and your lips were bleeding too. You looked terrible and you were so scared of what your parents would say.

You and Milly walk into the office. Your principal was sitting in the chair across from you. Brigit comes in slowly and enters after you.

"Brigit wait outside" Principle says. You and Milly sit in the chairs.

"Care to explain" principle asks

You tell him the whole storey. Every detail.

You get a 2 week suspension. And get sent to the nurses to clean you up.

Milly stays with you the whole time.

The nurse Finishes cleaning you up.

"I'm going to send you home, who do I call" the nurse asks.

"Call this number please" you read out Ashtons number. You just hoped he wasn't busy.

"Hello, this is Debby from Belmore High School, Olivia is in the Nurses office. Would you be able to pick her up?....... Yes...... She should be fine..... Yes.... Thankyou" is all that you could hear the women saying. You hung up the phone and turned to you.

"Go wait at the car park.. They said they would be here in 5 minutes. "

You take your stuff down to the car park and sit on the gutter. Milly waited with you. She had a free period.

"What have I done!" You say, you carefully put your head in your hands, making sure you don't press too hard on your tender face.

"It's okay, your parents won't be back for two weeks.. Your face will heel by then!" She says reassuringly.

You hear a rumble of a car coming up the street, you turn and give Milly a hug. You stand up and Ashton races out of the pulled up car and over to you.

"Are you okay! Oh my goodness what happened! Tell me who did this to you! What did the principal say! Are you sure your okay? Do you wanted me to take you back to mine? Oh my gosh baby!" Ashton says without taking a breath. Milly giggles.

"Babe, I'm alright... I'll be fine!" You reassure..

"Care to explain your face then! Who did this to you" Ashton says staring straight into your eyes. You've never seen Ashton so serious before. You could see the anger in his eyes.

"Just this chick call Brigit, don't worry about it.. I'll explain to you in the car..." You say you could feel the tears building up in your eyes.

"Bye Milly, thankyou" you say before hopping into the car. You close the door behind you as you hop in and the tears come flooding out. Ashton turns his worried gaze to you and tucks all the loose hair behind your ear. He wipes the tears from your face and softly traces around the cuts and bruises on your face.

"Tell me everything babe, I wanna hear" he says

You take a deep breath in

"Well Brigit, who thinks she runs the place, came over to tell me how you only want me for your my money and she told me how I'm ugly and stuck up and all this stuff.." You stop to take another deep breath in as you try to control your tears." And then I got up to tell her off and then she slapped me and we had a full on brawl" you laugh " and yeah I then got taken to the office, I have a two week suspension" you sigh

"Awesome!" Ashton pipes up.

You give him a confused look.

"Two weeks to spend with me" He says.

You laugh.

"And All those things that chick said, about me wanting your money, and your ugly and stuff, she couldn't be more wrong!" He says and lightly kissing your saw lips "your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I never want to change that!" He says

You rub your sore nose against his and you drive off.

"I'll take you to mine so you can get Changed and everything and then I have to go back to rehearsals, your more then welcome to stay at mine, or come to rehearsals." He says winking at you.

"I'll come to rehearsals with you! But I don't have any clothes" you say.

"You can borrow mine" he says with a big cheesy grin on his face.

"Haha okay" you say as he drives you to his house.


Hope you like it!

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Olivia xxx

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