13. Being Sick

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Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been righting this inbetween classes haha :)

Enjoy x


You woke up and looked up towards the door. Ashton was staring at you with a massive smile.

"Did you watch me sleep!" You say

"No, maybe, yes" he replies cheekily. You throw a pillow at him and jump up.

"Your so pretty when you sleep!" He comes up and runs his fingers through your hair.

"Dude. I ain't a pretty sleeper" you say.

You walk out of the room and could smell bacon and eggs being cooked. You could hear the sizzling too.

"Are you watching the food?" You ask Ashton.

You go up and stir the food around, add some hash browns and a few extra eggs.

"This was meant to be a romantic breakfast in bed, from me. But look who's cooking.." He says raising his eyebrow leaning against the counter.

"Well I was only trying to help.." You say softly putting the egg flip next to the sauce pan.

Ashton comes behind you and picks you up, and twirls you around.

He kisses your neck and whispers "I appreciate your help, bub." He lets you go and you go and put the radio on. 'La la la' came on and you turned it up.

"Why can't I sing for you?" Ashton turns around and drops his bottom lip.

"You can hun! Don't burn the food" you say

"Yes mum!" He replies cheekily

You go and change your clothes and do your hair. You eat breakfast with Ashton on the lounge while watching tv.

You check your phone and there was a message from your mum.

From: Mum

Hope your safe! I'm sorry! I will think about it, but I can't guarantee anything. Just please come home and show me your okay! I'm worried sick! Lots of love mum xx

You decide to shoot her a quick text back so she knows your okay

To: Mum

I'm fine mum. I'm at Ashtons at the moment, I'll come home later x

I flash of light comes through the window, a few seconds later, rumbles of thunder follow. You jump and Ashton chuckles.

"Come here sweet pea" he says opening his arms. You slide over and embrace his warm soft body.

You lay in his arms for a while but then decide to get up because you needed to use the bathroom. You were starting to feel sick. You slowly walk over to the toilet and lean forward. All your breakfast from your stomach was now transferred into the toilet. You stomach groaned and your throat hurt. You felt a little dizzy and uneasy. You grab some toilet paper and wipe your face. Ashton had another concert tonight and he couldn't get sick.

"Ashton" you call, but your voice cuts out just before you Finnish calling his name.

"What's wrong babe" you hear Ashton call as he quickly strides around the corner.

He stops and could tell what happened, and that you weren't well.

"Aww Hun! I'm going to take you home and look after you there. It will be easier for you because it's your house" he says fixing you up.

"But I don't want you to get sick" you voice croaks

"I'll be right, I'm tough" he says he goes and sits you on the lounge while he goes and grabs your stuff.

You drove back to your house. Your parents greeted you at the door.

"Aww I missed you" "don't ever do that again" They all surrounded you.

"Move out of the way, I'm sick" you rush over to the toilet.

"Is she okay?" Your mum asks Ashton

"Yeah she's just a little sick. I'll look after her. She will be right." He reassures your Mum and Dad.

You go back into your room and lay down on your bed.

"Do you need anything?" Ashton asks worried

"No I'm right for the moment thanks babe. " You say.

"Me and your father are going out, be back this afternoon" your mum calls through the door

"Okay love you" you call back.

You and Ashton sit watching tv for a while.

*bang bang bang*

Someone was at the door, and they didn't sound happy.

"I will get it" Ashton says

"Be careful" you say

You heard yelling and an unfamiliar deep voice competing with Ashton's . You get up to go see who it is. You stop suddenly when you see it's Brigit's older brother. What did he want. His arms were waving around crazy. He was trying to get Ashton to fight him but Ashton kept refusing. You walk up to him and slap him across the face as hard as you could. A red hand mark on his cheek starting rising. He looked speechless and your hand was stinging. You started to feel really sick, but you didn't think you would make it to the toilet, you didn't even make it from where you were. All the contents from your stomach came up all over Brigit's brother. Now he was wet from rain and vomit. He cursed at you both and then ran off. Ashton runs to grab the mop and bucket. He comes back out and rubs your back. You were leaning over the rail, over the grass.

"Hahaha, ya cutie" he says, rubbing circles on your back.

"I feel so mean" you groan.

"He deserved it!" He laughs

He cleans the door way and helps you to bed. You change your clothes and lay in bed with Ashton, you eyes start to get heavy.

Ashton brushes his lips against your forehead. "I've got a show tonight, so I might not be here when you wake up, but as soon as it finishes ill be right back here" he whispers

"Okay babe" you say softly, you feel Ashton's lips kiss your temple, as you fall into a deep sleep.


Hope you liked it!

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Olivia :) xx

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