15. Getting Mobbed

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Today was the day you had to persuade your parents to let you go on tour with the boys! He was leaving tomorrow! You were a stress head. It was 9:55 in the morning . You decided to pack your stuff, so you were ready for when your parents say yes. You had two massive suitcases pulled out from the cupboard. You had never seen suitcases that big. You put everything in there from jeans to swimmers and pyjamas to undergarments. You packed phone chargers, note books, pens, iPod, 3 sets of headphones and everything in there. Although the rest of the tour would only go for a month or so, you wanted to make sure packed everything. Ashton just sat on the end of your bed and studied your every move whilst you put your belongings in the suit case.

"Want to go to Starbucks later today?" Ashton asks.

"Would love to babe" you lean over and peck him on the lips.

He flicks the television on and watches the news. You leave the room to go find your parents. You could only find your mum and she was sorting the washing so you decided to talk to her.

"So mum Ashton's leaving tomorrow... And he wants me to go with him" you say confidently..

"Yes" your mum replies, she didn't take her eyes off the washing that she was folding.

"I'm ready to go, I've packed and everything" you say, you look down to avoid her gaze which just looked up and looked straight at you.

"Your not going" she says sternly.

"Why not" you say sternly too. You wanted to let her know that you were confident about this and that it was going to happen.

"Who's going to pay for it?" She says raising her voice.

"It's already been paid for. They have covered all costs and future costs for the trip and hotel and everything. Even food and things I want to buy at shops have been paid for." You say, you put your hands on your hips.

"But what about your grades?" You asks

"Luke's mum is a school teacher, she will be there with me" you say.

There was a minute pause and nothing was said. You decided to break the silence.

"Anything else?" You ask

"No. I guess you can go." She says slowly.

You jump up and down and squeal! You race into your bedroom. You jump on top of Ashton who was still siting on the end of your bed, which made him fall backwards.

He chuckles a deep throaty chuckle.

You squeeze him extra tight.

"I won't have to leave you anymore" you whisper in his ear.

"Starbucks to celebrate?" He offers.

"Sure!" You say really enthusiastically.

You get to Starbucks and order yourself a coffee, while Ashton does the same.

You sit over in the back of the store in the corner. You sip your coffee. You get white foam around your mouth, and Ashton wipes it off with his warm thumb. He chuckles and smiles in admiration as he studies your face. You sit and talk for a while. After you were done with your coffees you decide to leave Starbucks. As you step outside the store, a massive crowd of teenage girls surround you and Ashton. Ashton pulls you in protectively behind him. He wraps his arms around you. He tries to get through everyone. People were tugging on your shirt and hair trying to get your attention. Because you were short everyone seemed to crowd in around you and surround you in. You felt scared. People from two different sides of you were pulling on your top, when all of a sudden you hear a massive rip.

You froze.

You could feel everybody's hot breath on your exposed back. You lean as hard as you could into Ashton, trying to hide your bra so that everybody couldn't see it.

You rushed through the many screaming people. Pushing and shoving was going on everywhere. You thought you were going to die. Your cheeks flushed bright red as you could feel everybody's harsh gaze on your exposed body. You were trying not to cry. There were scratch marks on your back. Your eyes were stinging with tears. Ashton scooped you up into a cradle. He faced your chest into his. He ran through the crowd and escaped to the car. He placed you in your seat and took his shirt off and gave it to you. His perfectly shaped abs were revealed. Ashton looked like an angel. You could see anger in his eyes. It scared you.

"Ashton, babe, what's wrong?" You ask with a shake in your voice.

"Why would they do that" he seemed to be talking to himself. "Hurt you like that, they know I love you."

"I'm fine, really...." You start but Ashton cuts you off before you could Finnish.

"You were so scared back there. And there were tears in your eyes. I saw." He says. His jaw clenched together. He looked out the window.

He could feel you staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked confused.

"Your beautiful" you whisper.

He chuckles

"Trust me babe, you are beautiful too. Especially when I was carrying you. All scared and bare, it was hard to concentrate" he says, a small smile creeping up at the corner of his mouth.

You smile. He made you feel all mushy inside.

"I'll take you home, fix you up and make sure that there isn't any real bad injuries. And then get you ready to leave early in the morning." He says. You smile and nod. You were so excited.


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Olivia xx

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