12. Meeting Ashtons family

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I'm back again!

Hope you like this chapter!

Let me know what you think

(Sorry for any typos!!) :)


"So mum,dad... How was your trip?" You ask

"Was very good" your dad says

"Yeah it was very nice" Says your mum, both your parents grab their luggage and start to put it away.

How were you going to ask your parents. You wanted them so badly to say yes, but you had a feeling they would say otherwise. But you wouldn't be able to stand being without Ashton for that long. You grab your phone to text Ashton.

To: Ash <3

How am I meant to ask my parents.. I don't know what to say... Help!!??

You put the phone down and go out to help your parents.

After they had finished putting everything away they went and watched tv. You went in your room, closed the door behind you and laid In bed on your phone.

There was a message from Ashton

From: Ash <3

Babe, it will be fine. When they are together just ask them casually and make sure you tell them about Liz, she will look after you and also school you if you would like. Oh and don't forget to tell them about how we will cover all the costs :) okay I love you xxxxx

Okay they were sitting in the lounge room together. Now was the time.

You walked out into the room where they were sitting

"What did you think of Ashton?" You asked

"He seems like a lovely boy!" Mum answers

"He seems nice" Dad says

"Well he is going on tour soon..." You say

"That's nice" Mum says

"He's asked me to go with him" you avoid eye contact, but you could feel their eyes burning into you.

"But what about school?" Dad questions

"Luke's mum will school me, she's a teacher" you say.

"No Olivia, I don't want you going all over the place without a familiar adult with you." Mum says

"But mum.." You start but your Mother interrupts

"But nothing Olivia! You will not go on tour with them. That's final! Now go to your room!"

You storm back to your room and slam the door. You lay on your bed for a bit and decide to text Ashton.

To: Ash <3

mum said no. But I'm going anyway. They can like it or lump it. I'm 18 soon and nothing will stop me. Can you please come and pick me up?

You get a text back from Ashton

From: Ash <3

Sure babe ill be two secs x

You grab some clothes, makeup, bag, jumpers and everything else you think you will need. You write on a piece of paper

'Ive gone to Ashton's, don't worry about me. By the way, I'm going on tour'

You leave it on the end of your bed.

You hear the rumble of Ashton's car come down the street and stop in front of the house. You open you window and stand on it. You lean your foot as far as you could sideways as you try and plant your foot on the rail. Your foot you hits the rail and you transfer your weight onto the foot that's on the rail. You jump a whole 3 meters down onto the platform of the steps and sprint over to Ashton's car.

"Sneaking out are we?" Ashton says as I jump into the car.

"Yes, have had plenty of practise" you say as Ashton starts to drive off.

"What u sneak out for? What boys would you go see?" Ashton asks curiously.

You just laugh

"No-one, just friends and parties" you say. "Where we going?"

"My house" Ashton replies "we are going to have dinner at my mums" he says

"Can I come?" You ask

"Well derh!" He says jokingly.

He drops you at his house and u chuck your things inside. You then re do your hair and makeup and jump back into the car

"What if they don't like me?" You say

"Of coarse there not going to like you" he answers

Your jaw drops...

"Why are you dating me then?" You say surprised

Ashton laughs

"They are going to love you" he says with a massive smile on his face.. He thought he was hilarious didn't he.

He pulls up into a white driveway and opens the door for you. He steers you up the path and to the door.

"Ashtonnnnnn!" You hear a little boys voice call from the front door. Must be Harrison.

You get to the front door and there is a young boy, looked about 9, waiting there for us.

He jumps up onto Ashton and gives him a big hug. Aww that's heaps cute.

"Say hi to Olivia" Ashton nudges Harrison

"Hi Olivia, I'm Harry" He says shyly

"Hey Harry" you smile

Ashton walks you inside. Out of the kitchen comes a women that looked about 30. She had blonde hair, that was pulled into a ponytail.

"Hello Olivia! How are you sweetie?" She asks giving me a kiss on the cheek. She gestures over to the table and we sit down

"I'm good thank you" you say

"I've heard lots about you! Ashton hasn't stopped talking about you actually." She takes a sip of her wine. Ashton's cheeks flash bright red. He looks down at his hands, you laugh.

"Would you like a drink?" Ashton offers

"Yes please" you say

Ashton ducks out to the kitchen and Lauren comes out of one of the bedrooms

"Hey Lauren" you say

She smiles at you

"Hey Olivia" she says and sits next to her mum.

"We should go shopping before Ashton goes on tour." You say

"That would be heaps cool!" She says

She had brown hair and she looked about 12. She was very pretty.

Ann (Ashton's mum) jumps up "dinners ready"

Everybody sits down to eat. We all talk about everything from tour, to when Ashton was a baby. You talked to his siblings and got to know them a lot more. Dinner was really nice. At about 10:30pm you and Ashton left. He took you back to his house.

You watched tv for a while, and you fell asleep in Ashton's arms. He carried you to his bed and tucked you in and he went and slept on the couch.


So what did you think?

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Olivia x

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