22. The park

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Hey guys!!!

I had an idea!! Hope you like it!

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You woke up, and Ashton was holding you tight in his arms, hushing you and reassuring you everything would be okay. Your eyes and cheeks were wet and sticky.

You must of had a bad dream or something, as you weren't sure of why you were crying. You looked around and you were still in the car, but you were in the car park of the hotel. The clock in the car said 9:30am. Some how you were in the back seat. Ashton was leaning up against the window and you were in between his legs.

"Shh baby, your okay. Your okay" he would repeat as he stroked your hair.

"Uhh what happened" you say sitting up and wiping your eyes.

"Last night you fell asleep in the car, and when we got back to the hotel you were crying in your sleep so I slept in the car with you because I didn't want to disturb you" he says, tucking your hair behind your hair

"Aw thankyou" you say and you cuddle him, and rest your head on his shoulder.

You grab your phone out and try to turn it on, but it was flat.

"Let's go up to the room and get ready for the day." You say sitting up

"We get the day off today, so we can do whatever you want" Ashton says smiling. The dimples in his cheeks make you melt.

You both take the elevator up into your apartment. You walk in and put your phone on charge. Ashton comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist and leaves a trail of kisses down your neck.

"Hmm I love you Ash" you whisper

"Not us much as I love you Livvy" you nuzzles his head into your neck.

"I'm going to go have a shower" you say. Ashton releases his grip and you go and get your high wasted jeans and midriff baseball style shirt and your vans.

You have a shower and clean yourself up. Your face is still slightly puffy.

Once your out of the shower, you struggle on your underwear and clip up your bra. You slip on your jeans and throw on your midriff.

You braid your hair and chuck it up in a messy bun.

You walk out of the bathroom and go check your phone.

There were heaps of notifications because your phone was off all night. There was twitter, 7 texts, 5 missed calls from Mum and lots of Instagram notifications.

You opened the texts from your Mum

"Call me as soon as you can. It's urgent."

You had no idea what it could be about. You worried a little.

"Looking beautiful" Ashton says, smiling as he stairs at you.

"You lookin hella fine Irwin" you say with a smirk

"Selfiess!" Ashton says as he lifts up his phone to take a selfie. Him in the right corner, and you can only see his face and me in the background and you can see me whole body.

He comes up closer and kisses you and he takes another photo of you two. And then there was one with our heads together smiling at the camera.

He tweeted the one of us together smiling at the camera with the caption as 'Me and My Princess'

"Want to go to the park and take photos there?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah sounds good baby" you say sliding you arms around his waist as you hug him tight, and he hugs you back.

"Alright, I'll just go get changed and then we can go." He runs over to his wardrobe and pulls out a loose singlet with the batman symbol on the front and black skinny jeans and vans.

He goes into the bathroom and comes out 2 minutes later.

"Right let's go." He says, picking up his keys. And walking out the door, and you follow. You chuck your phone in your pocket, you remind yourself that you have to call your mum back.

You drive for about 10 minutes before arriving at a park by the lake. There were lots of trees and tables and play equipment. And across the road is a few fish and chips and nicnac shops.

You hop out of the car and run of to the swings. You heard Ashton's camera clicking away as you ran over. There was no one else here and it was so peaceful.

Ashton bought his tri pod so he could take photos of you two together.

After we spent the day taking photos we decided to go and buy some hot chips and sit on the table right next to the lake.

You both ate together, having small conversations between mouth fulls.

When you had finished eating you decided that you would call mum.

You were a bit nervous of what she was going to say because it was 'urgent'.

You picked up your phone and dialled your mum. You rested your shoulder against Ashton's and you rested your head on his too.

*Ring ring*

*Ring Ring*

*Ring ring*

"Hello" your mum answered in a shaky, croaky voice.

"Mum what's wrong!" You ask worriedly.

The news that your mum told you, hit you like a ton of bricks. All your emotions just mixed into one, and you thought you were going to collapse. Your eyes stung and you felt weak. Your hand dropped from your ear to beside you. Your lips moved but nothing came out. Your heart missed a beat, and then it missed another.


Ouuuu a cliffhanger! Want to know what the news is that her mom told her?? You'll have to wait till the next chapter :p

Can I please have 5 votes and 2 comments. When I get that I will then update!!

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