Chapter 3: Making Plans

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Later that evening Aragorn sought out Faramir.
The man had been about to retire for the night.
Aragorn called.
"Aragorn," Faramir stopped in his tracks and faced his friend. "What is it?"
"Something happened while you were away. What was it?"
Farmir sighed and looked down at the floor while Aragorn waited for a reply.
"It happened again."

Aragorn stiffened, he knew exactly what Faramir was talking about.
"How? It hasn't happened for years!"
"I don't know how it happened. We were fighting when Khaten stabbed me in the shoulder, Legolas was defending me and then he started attacking the king, when I tried to stop him he almost killed me."
Aragorn sighed. This was not good.
"Thank you Faramir. You are dismissed."
Faramir nodded and went to his room. Aragorn meanwhile, knew that he had to tell Gandalf about what had happened.
As Aragorn searched for the wizard he went over what Faramir had told him.
After the battle Legolas had returned with his people to Mirkwood. They had rebuilt their home and began to heal the forest.

When the Easterlings had come into their lands Legolas had been put in charge of keeping them out, but he was under strict orders not to kill anyone.
At first there had been no problems, but then Legolas became violent. Sometimes he would almost kill an Easterling, and harm the elves who restrained him.
Thranduil had kept Legolas inside the palace afterwards.
Legolas had been confined for almost two years.
When Thranduil was assured that his son was back to normal he allowed him to continue serving his people, as well as go with Faramir and Gimli to ask Khaten to keep his people away from their homes.

Aragorn continued to search for Gandalf. He knew that the wizard would tell Thranduil, and Aragorn did not want to be around when he heard the news.
He'll probably lock him up until the fifth age.
He thought grimly.
When he finally found Gandalf his heart sank when he realized  Thranduil was with him.
"Aragorn, is something wrong?"
Gandalf asked.
"I needed to speak with you about something, but it can wait."
"No Aragorn, if you wish to speak now it is fine."
Gandalf waited for Aragorn to talk while Thranduil stared at him, making Aragorn feel uneasy.
Taking a deep breath he said, "It happened again, with Legolas."
Both Gandalf and Thranduil's eyes widened.
"How do you know this?"
Thranduil demanded.
Aragorn told them everything he had heard from Faramir. When he finished Gandalf stood in silence while Thranduil's eyes were blazing.

"Why were we not told immediately?"
Thranduil glared at Aragorn as if it was his fault.
"Legolas probably did not want you to worry," Aragorn replied slowly. He knew for a fact that Thranduil was famous for losing his temper.
"I never should have let him go! He will stay here until I am certain he is cured of whatever has taken hold of him!"
"You will do nothing of the kind Thranduil."
Gandalf looked at the elvenking with concern in his eyes.
"Confining him is exactly what drove him mad the first time. Do it again, and you will only make it worse for both of you."
"What do you know of this Mithrandir?" Thranduil snapped. "You said so yourself that Sauron's power left him."
"And it did. I do not know what is happening but I can assure you I will do my best to find out what is."
"What am I supposed to do with my son in the meantime?"
Thranduil narrowed his eyes.
"Nothing." Gandalf replied. "You will not tell Legolas that you know what happened, you will not confine him to the palace, and you will not have guards constantly watching him."
Thranduil was about to protest when Gandalf continued,
"Haldir will keep an eye on Legolas just as he has always done. If anything is wrong with Legolas that threatens himself or others he will let you know."

Thranduil said nothing but nodded in agreement.
Aragorn glanced at the elvenking and then at Gandalf.
Thranduil looked over at Aragorn and asked,
"When will you be leaving?"
Aragorn bristled with annoyance. He couldn't understand why Thranduil acted this way towards him but there was really nothing he could do.
"I plan on leaving for Rohan at dawn. Unless that is too late for you and you'd rather us leave now."
Gandalf warned him.
The man glanced at the wizard, who stared at him through narrowed eyes.
"Dawn will be just fine."
Thranduil replied coldly.
"Actually Aragorn, and Thranduil, I need to ask you both something."
Gandalf turned to Aragorn.
"Would you mind traveling with the hobbits and I back to the Shire? I can assure you that my reason for asking is a good one."
"May I ask what the reason is?"
Aragorn asked curiously.
"You will find out in time. And Thranduil-"
"You want Legolas to accompany you as well?"
The elvenking interrupted.
"Yes, that is my request."
Aragorn noticed that Thranduil seemed saddened for a moment before the look past.
"Very well. If he wants to I will not stop him, but Haldir must go as well."
"Of course."
Gandalf nodded.
"I will go with you as well."
Aragorn said.
"Eldarion, Faramir, and I can travel to Rohan from Bree."
"It is settled then. We leave at dawn."

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