Facing the Enemy

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"Amarth you have to fight this!"
Legolas continued to struggle against his restraints.

"I cannot fight it."
Amarth held him still with one hand and held the knife in the other. Fear was the only emotion on his face.

"Forgive me..."
Amarth started to push the knife in.
Legolas felt the familiar pain return to him, only this time it was a hundred times worse.

He screamed and fought even harder to break free, Amarth hadn't reached his heart yet, but he would soon.

Alatar ordered.
Amarth pulled the knife out while Legolas gasped from pain.

Both wondered why Alatar had stopped it.

"Well Legolas, it appears that your "friends" have come to save you. Although they will fail."

Alatar walked over to Legolas and grinned.

"Perhaps I will let them in here, so they can see the beginning of Middle Earth's destruction."

Alatar drew a long sword and pointed it at Legolas' chest, which was slowly starting to bleed.

"Do you recognize this? It was the sword you carried when I found you."

Alatar held it up and inspected it.
"This was your brother's sword correct? It will serve me well in slaying your friends."

"You will not touch them!"
Legolas shouted in anger.
Alatar smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry Legolas. But they must die. Besides, I had already planned to kill Aragorn from the beginning."

Aragorn is here?

Legolas couldn't believe that he had come. Who else was with him?

Alatar turned to Amarth.
"Your job will have to wait. We must deal with our intruders first."

He turned back to Legolas and grinned.
"And after you watch your friends die, and after I free Morgoth, you will know what true darkness is."


Aragorn raced up the steps of Orthanc, it had been damaged during Sauron's rule and he had to watch his step.

Haldir was right behind him, both had their swords gripped tightly in their hands.

They entered a large room and the first thing they saw was Legolas, tied and gagged.

His eyes were wide in terror and his chest was bleeding.

They were about to run over to him when Haldir was suddenly attacked from behind.

He spun around and his sword collided with Amarth's twin swords.

Aragorn narrowed his eyes.
Of course Amarth would join Alatar!
But then he saw the elf's face, it was filled with fear.

He's not doing this on purpose.

Haldir was still struggling with Amarth.
Aragorn was about to help him when he heard Alatar's voice.

"Welcome, Aragorn. You're just in time."
Alatar stepped out of the shadows with a sword in his hand.

"I will enjoy watching you
Alatar charged forward and Aragorn prepared himself for the attack.

The blow from Alatar knocked Aragorn backwards, he quickly regained his balance as Alatar struck again.

Alatar was strong, but Aragorn was fast.

Alatar couldn't hit him, but Aragorn couldn't either.

Haldir was still fighting Amarth, who was trying to fight off Alatar's control over him.

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