We Have To Stop This

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Legolas had been taken to his father's dungeons.
He had been chained to the wall and locked in a cell.

Just like he had been all those years ago.

He strained against his chains but it was no use.

How could this be happening? Everyone he cared about was about to go to war against each other.

You have been abandoned Legolas. You might as well just give up now.

Legolas wanted to ignore the voice but it was true.

His father was beyond his reach, as well as Aragorn, he had no idea about Gimli, he was alone.

Or so he thought.

He heard soft footsteps approach his cell, he looked up and saw a familiar face.

The elf quickly unlocked the cell door and entered.
He removed Legolas' chains and helped him up.

"Are you alright?"
He asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. What is happening?"
Legolas followed Haldir out of the cell.

"Your father has ridden off to battle against Eomer and Aragorn."
He replied grimly.
"We have to stop this."
Legolas stated.

Haldir looked at him skeptically.
Legolas shook his head.
"I do not know. But if we do nothing...."

Legolas looked desperately at Haldir.
The elf sighed.
"We have to hurry before we are spotted."

The two elves raced silently through the palace. Most of the elves were gone, making their escape much easier.

They entered the stables and grabbed whatever horses were left.

They mounted and raced off into the woods.
"How far do you think they have gotten?"
Legolas asked.
"I do not know," Haldir replied, "I fear that by the time we arrive we will be too late."


The moment Gimli had heard that Dain had declared war on Mirkwood, Rohan, and Gondor he had left.

He would have no part of this.

He had journeyed alone west, the whole way he had heard tidings of war.

He hadn't stopped in Mirkwood, he traveled all the way to Rivendell and rested.

Then he continued on to the Shire, if there was going to be a war and he knew that Alatar was behind it, he needed to make sure that his friends would be safe.

Once he entered the Shire he sought out Sam and Merry.
The two hobbits had been shocked by his unexpected arrival.

"What brings you here Gimli?"
Sam asked.
"It's not something bad is it?"
Merry added.

Gimli sighed.
"You both may want to sit

Gimli told them everything.
Starting with when Amarth first appeared to Legolas.

The hobbits listened in absolute silence.
Had it been years ago and they would have interrupted with dozens of questions.

But they were older now. Hardened by things that other hobbits couldn't even dream about.

Gimli finished his account of what happened by telling them of the war that was about to happen.

Sam and Merry couldn't believe it.

"How can this be happening?"
Sam asked in disbelief.
"What do you want us to do Gimli?"
Merry asked.

"I want you to take all of your people to the Grey Havens. As far as I know Elrohir isn't involved in this blasted war."

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