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Thranduil walked to Legolas' room, his mind racing with hundreds of thoughts.

When Legolas had vanished after their fight, he had immedietly sent Haldir after him.

He had expected Haldir to bring him back, not go with him to Gondor. He had been gone for almost four months.

Haldir's news of Amarth's return and Alatar had filled Thranduil with fear. He had seen what Amarth had done to Legolas, and he knew what Alatar was capable of.

Of course I had expected both of them to be dead.
How they were still alive was beyond Thranduil.
For now he would focus on keeping his people, and his son safe.

He hadn't wanted to drug Legolas. But he had worried that if he had tried to restrain him while he was awake, there was the chance he could have lost control again and injure an elf.

Or worse...
Thranduil stood outside of his son's room. He knew that Legolas would be angry with him.
But he needed to understand that the only reason he was doing this was to protect him.

He didn't need to concern himself with Legolas' friends.
They could take care of themselves, they didn't need Legolas.

Thranduil entered the room, and saw the last thing he expected to see.
Legolas, armed with his weapons, and preparing to jump off the balcony.

Legolas stared at his father with a mixture of shock, and fear.
Thranduil ran towards his son.
Legolas turned away, took a deep breath, and jumped.

Thranduil hands shot out to grab him but only caught air.
He looked down in horror as Legolas disappeared in the trees.

The one image that remained his mind was Legolas' look of anger and defiance before he had jumped.


Legolas plummeted towards the trees faster than he had antiscipated.
He cursed under his breath as he landed hard on his right leg.

His hands scraped the bark of the tree he landed in as he tried to stop himself from falling out.

Once he was out of danger from falling, he quickly climed down.
Cursing everytime he put weight on his leg.

He knew that his father would be sending guards after him.
He needed to hurry.
Once he was on solid ground he started running.

Legolas ignored the pain shooting up his leg.
He would take care of it later.
His hands were bloody after being scraped against the bark.

Those were his only injuries and he considered them minor compared to what he'd suffered through before.

Besides, those were not his only problems at the moment.
He could hear guards coming.
Legolas looked behind him and cursed again.

He'd never be able to outrun them with his leg injured.
He looked around desperately for a place where he could hide.

There was a small thicket of bushes nearby.
It might work. Or they'll find you and bring you back. You can try to outrun them but it will only be a matter of time before they catch up.

Legolas heard them as they got closer.
Make up your mind!
Groaning inwardly he dove under the bushes and his himself under the branches.

He curled himself up into a ball and waited.
He watched as the elves ran by, none of them noticing him under the bushes.
Legolas tried to hold back the urge to scream.
His leg was killing him.

It had better not be broken.
He wouldn't be able to go anywhere if it was broken.
He could still here elves around.

Legolas cursed again.
He couldn't remembered a time when he had been this frustrated.
He was angry at his father, Haldir, his situation, it couldn't possibly get any worse.

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