Finding Peace

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Legolas walked without stopping. He left the forest without a second thought.

He never looked back, he only moved forward.

He headed west, each step brought more and more pain.

How could he live forever like this?

Why couldn't the pain end?

Legolas approached a tall hill and began to climb it, at the top, there were several trees growing.

He turned around and leaned up against one of the trees.

He looked back towards the east, it was almost dawn, soon the sun would be rising.

It wouldn't matter to him. He would not feel it's warmth.

He had become cold, pain and grief were all he knew now.

Legolas closed his eyes.
The pain grew worse by the second.

Why couldn't he just die?
What was the point of him living anymore if everyone he cared about was dead?

He winced as he felt another wave of pain.

Every time he thought about them, his family, his friends, he felt more pain.

Why couldn't he just forget them?

Legolas groaned.
This was exactly what his father had warned him about, had tried to protect him from.

Why hadn't he listened? He never listened!

His whole life had been nothing but pain and suffering! Why should he have to suffer through it anymore?

He had to forget them, and everything else. It was the only way to stop the pain.

A memory entered Legolas' mind.

He wanted to stop it, afraid of the pain it would cause.

But he didn't, he let it enter his mind.

"Come on Las, it's easy."
Thalion pulled back the bowstring, aimed it at the target, and let it fly.

Legolas watched wide-eyed as the arrow hit the center of the target.
Thalion handed Legolas the small bow that had been made for him.

"Now you try."
"What if I miss again?"
Legolas glanced nervously at the target, it seemed so far away.

"Come on Las, I'll help you."
Thalion helped him fit an arrow into the bowstring, then he helped him pull it back.

"Keep your eyes on the target. Block out everything else."
Thalion instructed him.

Legolas took a deep breath.
He blocked out all the noises coming from the forest, he focused only on the target.

He let the arrow fly.
"You did it Las!"
Legolas couldn't believe his eyes.
He'd hit the target!

He looked up at Thalion in pure joy.
"I did it!"
"I told you that you would."

Thalion picked up his little brother slung him over his back.
Legolas laughed as Thalion carried him back to the palace.

"We have to tell Ada that you are becoming quite the archer!"
"Someday, I'll join the Forest Guard like you!"
Legolas said happily.

"We'll be the best warriors ever!"
Thalion chuckled.
"Yes, we will Las."
"And no one will ever separate us right Thalion? We'll always be together?"
"Of course Las. I promised to keep you safe remember?"

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