Amarth's Plan

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Legolas ran outside the city. No one noticed him or stopped him.
When he was out in the open he continued on until he was beyond the sight of anyone in Minas Tirith.

He stopped and waited.
"I know you are here Amarth."
Legolas called out in the darkness.
"Of course you do. I told you that I would come."
Amarth walked up to him with his hands clasped behind his back.

"I saw you in Minas Tirith."
Legolas narrowed his eyes.
"I wanted to see how you were faring after your encounter with Alatar."
Amarth stopped walking and faced Legolas.
"Did he happen to mention me?"

"I almost died because I would not tell him where you were."
"Now why would you do something stupid like that?"
"Because I need answers. And you are the only one who may have them."

Amarth faked a downcast look.
"And I thought that you were finally starting to like me."
"I want to know about Alatar. Who is he? Why does he want to kill Aragorn?"
Amarth looked at Legolas curiously.

"He doesn't just want to kill Aragorn. He plans on killing all the rulers in Middle Earth, he just wants to begin with Aragorn. Although I would not be surprised if he went after the others now."

"How do you know this?"
"Because I used to serve him."
Legolas wasn't as shocked as Amarth had expected him to be.
Then again, Legolas had also served a dark master himself.

"Listen Greenleaf. We both know that Alatar has to be stopped. But what you do not know is how powerful he actually is. No one on this earth knows him better than I. I know that he will destroy this earth and everyone on it. I also know that I cannot defeat him by myself."

Legolas looked at him skeptically.
"Are you suggesting that we work together to defeat Alatar?"
"Not you and me. But you, me, Aragorn, and any other friends you might have."

Amarth took out his black dagger and twirled it in his hand.
Legolas shuddered at the sight of it.
"Alatar lives far to the east. Beyond any land you or anyone else knows about. I know where we can find him, and kill him."
"Why would anyone else besides you and I have to go?"
Legolas asked narrowing his eyes.

Amarth continued to speak while continuing to spin twirl his dagger.
"As long as Aragorn remains here is endangering himself as well as his people. If he were to come with us he would be taking the danger away from his people."
"Why should anyone else come?"
"The lands in the east are filled with perils and dangers. We would need all the help we could possibly get."

Legolas thought about Amarth's words. It seemed like Alatar had known Amarth before, and it seemed that Amarth knew a lot about Alatar.
But why would Amarth want his help to kill Alatar?

"Why can we not send an army after Alatar?"
Legolas asked.
Amarth stopped spinning his dagger.
"Did you attempt to wound Alatar?"
"I shot him in the heart."
"Did it kill him?"

Amarth placed his dagger back in its sheeth.
"Alatar cannot be killed by any weapon crafted by an elf. Or any weapon made by men or dwarves. You could wound him all you wanted but it would not stop him."

"And he cannot be destroyed by casting a ring into fire. Alatar can only be destroyed by a weapon of his own making."
"Where would we get one?"
Legolas asked.

Amarth smiled.
"I already have one."
Legolas' mind went back to when Amarth had scarred him with his dagger.
Alatar had made that dagger?

"We can kill him with that?"
Legolas asked.
"Yes. But it must be done in a certain way."
"I will speak no more of it until we are ready to depart."

"Alright then. When will we leave?"
"As soon as you inform your friends of everything I have just told you. And it would be best if we left from Dale."
"It is the fastest and easiest way to get to where we need to go."

Legolas sighed.
"I will tell Aragorn, and I will bring whoever I choose to bring. And I trust that you will be waiting in Dale for us?"
"How many times do I have to tell you Legolas."
Amarth began to walk away.
"I cannot be trusted."

Amarth looked back at him.
"But I always keep my word."
The dark elf disappeared.
Leaving Legolas alone.
He sighed, he had no idea how Aragorn would react to Amarth's words.

Will he even go?
Legolas returned to the city. He decided that he would talk to Aragorn in the morning.
Right now, he needed to sleep.


The next morning he spoke with Aragorn, Faramir, and Haldir.
He told them everything Amarth had told him last night.

"I still cannot believe that you listen to him."
Faramir said.
"Especially after what he did to you."

"He knows more about Alatar than we do."
Legolas reminded him.
"He also has the only thing that can kill him, and he knows where he is."

"Doesn't that seem a little suspicious to you?"
Faramir challenged.
"For all we know he's leading you into a trap."
"Whatever Amarth's motives are Legolas is right."
Aragorn announced.

"Alatar is too dangerous to be aloud to roam Middle Earth. He must be stopped."
Turning to Legolas he said,
"I will go with you."
Faramir objected.
"You cannot just leave! Your people are afraid Aragorn, they need their king."

"Alatar wants me dead. He will come back and try to kill me. I will not put my people in
danger. You will have to lead them while I am gone."
Faramir lowered his head.
"I will."

Haldir spoke for the first time since the conversation started.
"Do you think that perhaps you should inform your father about your plans?"

"If I tell my father he will not let me leave."
"Legolas, you have already left without his knowledge or consent. He probably already kniws that you are here, but if he were to send messengers to come for you only to find you gone, what do you think he will do then?"

"He will send an entire army after me."
Aragorn gave him a look.
"I don't know what happened between the two of you. But he is your father Legolas and he does love you. Leaving without any word of where or what you'd be doing would drive him mad with worry."

Legolas said nothing as Aragorn continued.
"I will travel with Haldir and Legolas back to Mirkwood. Legolas can tell his plans to his father, and I can wait for you in Dale."
Turning back to Legolas he waited for an answer.

Legolas nodded his head in agreement.
"It is settled then."
Aragorn stood up.
"We leave at dawn."

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