A Prisoner and A Slave

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Legolas slowly began to awake, what had happened came back to him and his eyes shot open.

His eyes flew around the dark room he was in, trying to figure out where he was.

His arms were tied to his sides, he was standing upright against a black pillar and he had been gagged.

His eyes suddenly rested on Amarth.
The elf was standing next to a strange table, a look of pure terror was in his eyes.

Legolas wanted to ask him what was happening, but he couldn't.

Suddenly he felt fear overtake him. Alatar was coming.

He walked into the room, Legolas wanted to run, he struggled against the ropes that held him as Alatar walked over to him.

Alatar smiled.
"It's good to see you again Legolas. Although I doubt that the feeling is mutual."

Legolas looked up at him in fear.

"I apologize for having to bring you into this. Believe me, if I had any other option you would not be here."

Confusion briefly passed Legolas' face before fear once again took over.

"Do not worry, everything will be explained. You see, ever since I first appeared in Minas Tirith I had a plan. I would kill Aragorn, and then the rest of the kings in Middle Earth. But after I discovered that Amarth was alive..."

Alatar glanced at Amarth.
"My plans changed."
Alatar turned back to Legolas.
"I knew that Amarth would try to kill me, and I knew that he would probably ask you for assistance."

"So at first, I tried to stop you from reaching me. I sent Rilath after you, my wargs, and I planned on killing you when you entered my lair. Until I realized that Aragorn traveled with you."

"Then my plans changed, I figured that in order for my plan to work I had to turn the free peoples against each other. So I poisoned their minds, forced the to go to war with one another..."

"And had Aragorn kill your father."
Legolas bristled when he said this, Alatar smiled in amusement.

"Since everyone was divided, I journeyed here to Isengard to carry out the final part of my plan. Are you familiar with Morgoth Legolas?"

Legolas narrowed his eyes.
"Oh that's right, you cannot answer me. Well, you should know that Morgoth was the first evil to enter Middle Earth. His power was greater than Sauron's, and mine."

"The Valar imprisoned him thousands of years ago, but now, I will free him."

Legolas' eyes widened in fear.
He couldn't release Morgoth!

"I know what it is you fear Legolas."
Alatar said.
"But you do not have to worry, I only plan to release Morgoth long enough for me to harness his power. Then I will destroy him for good, and then I will destroy Middle Earth."

"After this world is destroyed, I will create a new one. A better one, with beings of my own creation. And everyone who lives here now will be destroyed."

Alatar grinned.
"And that is where you come in Legolas, you and Amarth."

Legolas looked over at Amarth, his eyes were still wide with fear.

"In order to release Morgoth, I will need the blood of two elves.
An Avari," he gestured to Amarth, "and a Noldor."

Legolas looked at him in confusion.
He wasn't Noldor or high elf, he was Sindarian, like his father and grandfather.

"You may not know this, but you have the blood of the Noldor in you. Your mother was a high elf. She married your father, a Sindarian elf. You are of the Noldor and Sindarian. Very few elves on Middle Earth today are of the Noldor, but you are, and now I can carry out my plan."

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