The Struggle

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Legolas stormed through the forest. He ignored his injured leg.
As far as he was concerned it was healed enough.
Everything Amarth had said about him ran through his mind.

He had wanted to defend himself, to deny everything that Amarth had been saying, to asure Aragorn and Gimli that it wasn't true.

But then he would be lying.

He loved killing, he loved the thrill of cutting down hundreds of enemies with only his two knives or shooting down larger foes with his bow.

But when he had used a sword, it had made him feel powerful, and stronger.
A vision of Legolas killing men and woman in a small village ram through his mind.

He saw himself shooting down men from the shadows, but not to where it had killed them.
He had always killed with a sword.

He had killed those elves with a sword, they had been powerless to stop him, he remembered the energy rushing through him...

He had loved it.
He still did.
Legolas wanted to feel it again, he wanted to kill something. Just to have that feeling again.

But there was nothing to kill.
He needed to find something...
Or someone.

Legolas' eyes widened in terror and he threw down his brother's sword, he had grabbed it while he had been lost in thought.

Legolas stared down at the sword in horror.
How could he have thought that?
It wasn't right! It wasn't him.

But it is. And you know it.

Legolas dropped down to his knees.
He couldn't escape from the beast inside of him...
It was always trying to break free.

It was only a matter of time before it did.

Legolas looked at his brother's sword. His father had given it to him after he had sworn to only kill servants of Sauron, and to never harm an innocent person.

But Legolas hadn't dared to use it. After what had happened, what he had done, he had never used a sword again.

It reminded him too much of what he had done...
And when he had been forced to use one...
It had always brought back the memories.

Legolas heard soft footsteps approaching.
Someone was coming, maybe it was Aragorn.
No, the footsteps were to quiet for a man, or a dwarf.
Was it Amarth?

No, Aragorn wouldn't let hin roam free by himself.
Then who was it?

He stood to his feet and grabbed his bow, he fit an arrow into the string and spun around.



Legolas lowered his bow.
What was he doing here?
Then it dawned on him.
He was here to bring him back.

"Legolas, your father has ordered you to return home immediatly."
Haldir walked towards him cautiously.

Legolas kept his bow aimed at him.
"Why did you tell my father about Alatar?"
He demanded.

"You do not understand Legolas. You don't know what Alatar is capable of. Your father does. He is only trying to protect you."

"By making me a prisoner in my own home?"
Legolas' hands were shaking in fury.

"I did not know that your father would react that way, it was wrong. But he demands that you return home, now."

"I will not go back."
Legolas glared at Haldir.

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