Never Ending Grief

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Where does your journey end?
When will you find peace?
Your heart has been broken.
It cannot be healed.
How will your journey end?
Will it end in peace?
Can your heart be mended?
Or will it remain in pieces?


When they arrived at Valinor Gandalf was waiting for them.

His heart fell when he saw Legolas.
He could tell that he was grieving and in pain.

They had brought him to a place where he could rest, meanwhile, Elrohir greeted his mother, and Haldir was reunited with his mother and brother.

Gandalf stayed with Legolas.
The elf was staying in a small house with Elrohir and his mother.

Legolas spent all of his time in bed, always on his side with his arms wrapped around himself.

Trying desperately to fight off the pain that consumed him.

Sometimes he lay in silence, and other times he would cry and groan in pain.

Gandalf had been told everything that had happened by Haldir and Elrohir.

The wizard had been shocked to hear about Alatar.

"Did you ever know him?"
Elrohir asked.
"I knew him many years ago. He was one of the five wizards who was sent to Middle Earth."

Haldir and Elrohir couldn't believe it.
"I had often wondered what had become of him, he had been one of the blue wizards."
Gandalf furrowed his brow.

"I wonder what became of the fifth wizard...."

They continued to talk during the night, they were so immersed in their conversation that they didn't notice Legolas quietly slip out.

He walked alone under the stars.
They shined brighter in Valinor then in Middle Earth.

Legolas still walked with his arms wrapped around him.

He knew where he was going.
He entered a small wooded area and approached a large stone.

But there was something written on it, and Legolas knew exactly what it said.

Frodo Baggins

The Ringbearer

Legolas had known that Frodo would die.
Unless you were an elf, or like Gandalf, you would not live forever.

Even in the Undying Lands.

The pain returned to Legolas; harder and more painful than before.

He fell to his knees, crying.
The pain was unbearable.

At that moment Elrohir had realized that Legolas was gone.

The three ran outside and searched for him until they heard cries of pain coming from the forest.

They followed the cries and found Legolas, curled up on the ground with tears running down his face.

Haldir and Elrohir helped him to his feet, they brought Legolas back to the house and laid him on the bed.

His cries had reduced to small groans of discomfort.

"What were you thinking?"
Haldir shouted.
"Wandering off by yourself? What if we hadn't found you! You would still be lying in those woods!"

Gandalf narrowed his eyes.
"That is enough, he is in pain."

"He has brought this pain upon himself! I tried to warn him, his father tried to warn him too but he never listened! And now look what has happened!"

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