No Going Back

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"Was that really necessary Legolas?"
Aragorn didn't bother to hide the anger in his voice.

Legolas glared at him.
"You and I both know that he wouldn't have let us go. I did what I had to."

"You tortured him!"
Aragorn shouted.
"No one should have to suffer that kind of pain!"

"I've suffered worse than a knife to the shoulder."
Legolas responded coldly.
"I don't care what you've suffered through! You always try to make everyone pity you but we all know that you don't need it!"

Aragorn immediately wished he could take back his words.

Legolas turned away from him and rode to the front of the group.

Rilath had provided them horses, as well as food, water, and new clothes.

They all had their weapons back which was only a small comfort at the moment.

Gimli rode with Aragorn, and the man didn't blame him for not wanting to ride with Legolas.

The elf they had both known was slowly slipping away.

Legolas hadn't bothered to wash the blood off his hands.

He said that he would once they found a stream.

Haldir rode near Legolas, determined to keep a close eye on him.

Amarth rode at the very front. Leading them to their "doom" as he continued to say.

There were a lot of questions that Aragorn wanted to ask Amarth, but they didn't have time at the moment.

When they finally came a cross a stream they dismounted and made camp for the night.

Legolas washed the blood off his hands, turning the water red.

Aragorn cringed at the sight.

How many times has he done that before?

"You seem nervous."
Amarth walked over to where Aragorn stood beside his horse.

"What gave you that idea?"
Aragorn asked.
Amarth shrugged.

Aragorn decided to finally ask Amarth the question that had been bothering him ever sense their encounter with Rilath.

"Who was the man that told Rilath about Legolas?"
He asked.
"Who do you think?"
Amarth questioned.

Aragorn narrowed his eyes in confusion.
Amarth nodded.
"He recognized Legolas in Minas Tirith."
Aragorn continued.

"Did Thranduil know who he was?"
Amarth shook his head.
"Alatar has never met Thranduil. He has met his father though.

Aragorn had heard about Legolas' grandfather, Oropher.
He had known Alatar?

"Alatar had once journeyed with Oropher, when he had first settled in the Greenwood. They had been close friends then, until Alatar began to pursue evil. Oropher banished him to the east when he tried to take over his kingdom."

The others had gathered around Amarth and listened as he told his story.

Alatar was bent on revenge against Oropher. He sent many fell creatures to attack his lands, but Oropher had always managed to fight them off. After he was slain in the Last Alliance, he turned his attention on Oropher's kin."

Amarth turned to Legolas.
"Meaning your father, and yourself. He was the one who sent the dragon that almost killed your father, and he will not stop until both of you are dead."

"He had the opportunity to kill me."
Legolas said.
"Why didn't he?"

"Alatar has one weakness, he cannot resist watching others suffer."
Amarth replied.
"He would keep you alive, just to kill you in front of your father. After your father has been broken, he would kill him."

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