Chapter 1: The Interview

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~ Chapter 1: The Interview ~

"Thank you so much for taking him." She smiled, looking over to her beloved son as he played with the other children in the neighborhood. She was afraid but didn't dare show it. This might be due to her always looking over her shoulder, keeping an eye open at night when she sleeps. Still, she was starting to have second thoughts of leaving. One of two reasons being that she feared that one day, the coven would come for her. The other, she really needed this job and the money that came with it. Sick of just getting part-time jobs from the temp-agency, she needed a full-time job with a steady flow of cash coming her way. The ache in her muscles went on to be ignored as she poured ice tea in a clear glass for the woman. A woman who so graciously opened her home to her, when she first came to this city five years ago and four months pregnant.

"He's going to be fine, Kai. Hybrids never gave me trouble before and their not going to start today." The woman smiled.

"He can be a handful." Kai said clearing the small table from the muffin crumbs that the she had made earlier. Miss Maybelline was the old woman's name. The mystery was just that, to call her Miss Maybelline and nothing else. Kai met Miss Maybelline years ago before her son was born. She could sense the trouble the young girl was in and by the look of distress on her face, she needed a place to stay. She housed Kai, gave her food to eat and warm clothes to wear and never asked for anything in return.

Miss Maybelline was an older woman with short curly black hair that was greying a little bit at the roots. She was the kind of woman who didn't care for such things as hiding greys. She aged gracefully and beautifully. She had dark soulful brown eyes, a rich chocolate complexion and a smile that could brighten anyone's day on any given time. The laugh lines around her mouth told how jovial the woman could be. She loved to laugh and turns any bad situation into joyous filled occasions. She wasn't married and had no children so to her, Kai was like a daughter to her. Her son? A grandson and she loved spoiling the little boy.

"What did I just say child!" She snapped smiling. Kai laughed and nodded with the woman and her craziness. "So, what time's the interview?"

"Nine a.m." Kai replied watching Saige, her son, run about the culdesac, caught in the midst of a game of tag.

"He's going to be a powerful man one day, both financially and spiritually." Miss Maybelline said with a soft smile and a gleam in her eyes as she peered into the future of Saige.

"What else can you see?" Kai asked. Miss Maybelline frowned slightly upon turning her gaze to Kai.

"Conflict, with you. I see a man maybe two. The picture is really unclear, Kai. Please be careful." She pleaded.

"Is it the coven?" Kai whispered frightfully.

"No, no... this is different. Something isn't right in the cosmos. Usually, I'll be able to see right through these types of things..." Miss Maybelline said scanning Kai's face. She had a this sense in clairvoyance that she honed as a young witch. "Please, be careful child." she said once more.

"Y- Yes ma'am." Kai nodded blinking twice.

Later that night, Kai laid in bed going over what Miss Maybelline warned her about. She didn't know any men in this new life she's been establishing. Everything has been about taking care of Saige. Dating was a waste of time in her opinion because men get in the way of her goals. Men always wanted to be the hero in Kai's life when really, she could take care of herself. The real test was her son, not that they'll ever get close enough to ever meet him...

"Ms. Devereux, why should I hire you as my assistant?" Asked Mr. Harris, Chief Financial Officer of D.C. Salvatore Inc. A new company in town that sprung up out of nowhere in Atlanta, Georgia. Bald by choice at thirty-six years of age, Will Harris was at an average build. He wore a navy blue, pin stripped suit and coordinating tie with brown shoes. His eyes roamed Kai from head to toe, taking particular interesting her busty teat. Her modest blouse doing her little justice in this sense.

"Well," Kai started, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I'm a hard worker and I won't stop until the job is done and delivered in an orderly fashion. I work well under pressure and with others if and whenever there shall be team projects. All in all, I believe I'm the best person for this job because I understand that this job calls for one's self to think on the spot and make appropriate decisions on how the situation changes." She ended her closing argument with her award winning smile hoping that would be enough to seal the deal.

Mr. Harris leaned back in his leather office chair, contemplating Kai's answer.

"Ms. Devereux in all honesty, I interviewed at least half a dozen potential candidates before you; What makes you different?" Kai sighed... She never been a big fan of selling herself for anything but this was for her son. To have food in the fridge and the lighting bill pay so he can do his homework. Just thinking about the bills piling up had her head throbbing. Miss Maybelline had done so much for her already. Asking her for more wouldn't be right in Kai's book.

"I really need this job." She said frowning. "I'm not going to sit here and tell my life's story of how I always wanted to be someone's assistant. The bottom line is, I want this job and I'm more than capable of doing this job." That was her ace in the hole, determination.

Mr. Harris smirked nodding his head with his eyes close.

"Be here, Monday morning... eight a.m."

"Thank you, Mr. Harris. You won't regret it!"

"Monday morning and I'll show you around the place, just so you could get the feel of how things are run." Mr. Harris went on to explain.

"Yes, of course." Kai nodded before Mr. Harris went into great detail what her hours and her schedule would be. The fear of bills piling up soon faded when Kai cashed her first check then, her second... third and fourth. She even offered to give Miss Maybelline a couple hundreds just because, but it wasn't because she needed it. Miss Maybelline was a wealthy woman but in Kai's heart, she wanted to repay her for all the kind hospitality that she showed her over the years. Especially after all the times she would watch after Saige and pick him up from preschool when she was unable.

Kai road the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor with Mr. Harris's coffee and sweet corn muffin like she did every morning after dropping Saige off at school. This time however, was different.

Making her way to Mr. Harris's office she knocked twice before entering.

"Morning Mr. Harris, I picked up your morning coffee and- I'm sorry, I didn't know I was interrupting..." Kai trailed off seeing Mr. Harris engaged in a heated conversation or argument with a rather tall gentleman in a nice black suit, no tie and a clean white button up shirt with the top two undone. He turned to look at Kai out the corner of his eye, and in that moment, it seemed the anger from his face melted slightly. Only a hard gaze was set upon Kai as he assessed her. His eyes were a somber olive green with even a darker amber color bursting near the center of the pupil. His hair was a shadowy champagne color and was effortlessly ranked through by his fingers as he turned to fully face Kai. The muscles in his biceps put of full display as he did so.

She couldn't take her eyes off him. This man was the most painstakingly handsome man she has ever seen. One thing was certain, this man wasn't human. A man this perfect in the eyes of Kai couldn't be human. She could tell by the smug look in his eyes the read, I know something you don't know.

The man raised a perfect brow as the corner of his plump pink lips lifted and Kai froze.


Author Note: Welcome to the new EDITED version of Monster Lover Haze. It you read the old version that I've taken down weeks ago, know that this is a completely different storyline but basically with the same characters. Yes I did make drastic changes but I think you all be happy with them as I am. Please vote and comment what you think and sorry for any little errors you might run across, I read this chapter at least three times and corrected the ones I saw but other than that, enjoy.

P.S. The entire story won't be in third person's point of view. It was just something I wanted to try writing in. Tell me how I did and maybe it'll appear again in the story.




(Ed.) Monster Lover ~ Haze (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now