Chapter 15 Considerations

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Chapter 15: Considerations

Picture of Astride on the side.

Kai stood there shock and barely breathing. Her back against the wall and her knees threatening to give out from under her. A lycan... she thought as she looked towards her feet. She wasn't prepared for a lycan in Saige. All her late nights, staying up and studying has all been on wolf hybrids, not lycan hybrids. She didn't know a thing about them and that's what scared her the most. All that time wasted while she could have been studying up on the right subject at hand. But how? How was she supposed to know? She has never seen Santiago shift right in front of her and just figured he was just a wolf. In all fairness, she thought he had to be something right? What man kills another with his teeth and fingernails? With the growling and claws and this talk of Alpha? What was she supposed to think?

This was too much for her to take in. Those pancake she had eaten were about to make a second appearance on either Donovan's or Cameron's shoe.

"I think I'm going to be sick..." Kai breathed leaning forward and beginning to sob.

"Sit here." Cameron frowned guiding Kai to the bar stool Donovan quickly set in front of them. "Kai, it's going to be ok. We can get rid of the mark, it's just going to take some time." he said lightly stoking her back in soothing circles.

"It's not the mark I'm worried about, it's Saige..." She frowned holding her hand over her aching heart. It was so heavy with grief and her mind was racing with millions of possible outcomes of how this will all end for her and him. None were good...

"What do you want to do first?" Donovan asked.

"I just want to be with him. There's no way I'll be telling him this any time soon but just to see the smile on his face will bring me some relief." Kai explained and they nodded.

The twins had Jean bring Kai the clothes she had bought. Nothing too flashy, just a pair of skinny jeans, a peach colored cardigan and black two inch wedge ankle boots. All in her size with a comfortable fit.

"I been meaning to ask you guys something..." Kai said as they rode in the car on their way to Madam's home. It had been an entire hour since any one of them spoken except for her giving Donovan directions of course.

"What's that?" Donovan asked stopping at the red light.

"Last night, I can't remember some things. Like a part of it is missing. Plus, I woke up in one of you guy's shirts in bed and it made me think..."

"You're wondering if we had sex?" Cameron asked moving in the middle of the driver's and passenger's seat.

"Did we?" Kai asked looking at them both.

"No, you were unconscious Kai, by the affects of my delirium. It's a special power of mine and it's how we know about Santiago, because you told us his name in a drunken high."

"I don't remember any of that!"

"It's ok if you don't remember now but you're memories will return. Only a few minutes were taken and it won't affect your mind in a negative way at all." Cameron explained and Kai sighed looking out the window. She sighed wondering about Santiago. She couldn't help it, with that floodgate in her mind being opened after so many years of being locked up so tight, she wondered about him. That dream of Santiago taking Saige away from her was her worst nightmare, even more so than her fears of the clan coming for her.

She was starting to think that she was over staying her welcome in this realm. She's found her self drowning silently with no breath to scream and even through Donovan and Cameron gave her a lifesaver, she was too stubborn to see the danger she was really in too even take it.

(Ed.) Monster Lover ~ Haze (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now