Chapter 8: Here I Am

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~ Chapter 8: Here I am ~

I couldn't help the wide goofy grin on my face as I left their office. The Salvatore brothers are coming to my apartment... to fix a toilet. It was straight up comical. I'm not saying that they couldn't do it, I'm just saying it was a funny thought having CEOs work on a toilet. It'll be nice seeing them in something other than a suit and tie, not that I'm complaining.

The rest of the day went on uneventful but that didn't help the sideways glances I was getting. I wasn't really that social at work other than talking to Nicole and even she was avoiding me like I had the plague or something. I caught her as we was walked to the elevator to leave for the day.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her and she looked at me with this look I couldn't decipher. "Look, people talk Kai. They're saying that you're fucking your way to the top because the Salvatores always calls for you up to the top floor and they never called down to the twenty-fifth floor for anything." Nicole said. "Plus, I really like Donovan and... I don't want you hanging around him when the office party comes around." She continued to say.

"Girl, it's not like that." I said getting mad.

"Then what it is because it sure looks that way!" She snapped and I breathed not trying to make a scene. The last thing I want is having any problems at work.

"I think I'm going catch the next elevator." I said looking this trick up and down. When I finally got home I was so angry, I couldn't even see straight. I wasn't mad over Nicole and her bullshit, I could care less over losing her as a friend when I didn't even consider her a friend to begin with. Ever since she said what she said in that bar, I always had this feeling that she was not to be trusted. I never told her anything personal about myself other than me having a son, which she has never met. In the end I was right. Friends was hard to keep but easy to lose for me because they didn't understand me. After all, all my past friendships were with humans. Humans treated me better than the members of my coven and can you really blame them for following orders from my father as blindly as they do?

After a nice hot shower, I climbed into bed. I was kissing Saige goodnight when my phone buzzed and it was Travis. We had been texting on and off since our blind date a few weeks ago and now he wanted to see me again. I didn't know what to tell him.

We haven't kissed but in a way I felt like I was cheating on Donovan and Cameron seeing that I was their chosen mate. What if they chose wrong? What if they made a mistake choosing me? I like them, I really do but how would the three of us work out in the long run? What will Saige think of them? What will he call them-daddies? All this was starting to sound wrong on so many levels but these feelings I have. Feelings I don't even fully understand keeps boiling to the top whenever I'm around them both. I mean, is it really possible to have feelings for two completely different people? They're brothers for God's sake!

Maybe one man was enough for me. Yeah, one was enough and what the hell was I thinking considering I could take on two men at once. God, now I feel like a slut and I haven't even done anything!

I bit my lip nervously as I replied to Travis, saying I'm free on Saturday and ending the conversation there. Sleep was all I care for right now.

It was around two a.m when I heard a creak that had me sitting up in bed looking around the room. Maybe I was just paranoid but I definitely heard something. I know I locked the door but can't never be too sure. I listened carefully trying to see if it was Saige out of bed but then jumped hearing glass breaking. Getting out of bed as quietly as I could I peeked around the corner of the living room and quickly put my back to the wall seeing a man in a black hoodie. The door was wide open and I knew what this was. I just hope Saige stay put and stay quiet. He was smart and knew better because I taught him better.

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