Chapter 6: My Baby Boy

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~ Chapter 6: My Baby Boy ~

Once we got home, I started on dinner while Saige watched TV in the living room. I was trying to gather my thoughts for the big talk with him. I was scared. I was hoping to have this conversation with him when he's a little bit older to understand. I did a bit more research on hybrids and learned that they're a lot more intelligent than some would think, even for a child. They tend to developed their powers and skills at an early age. Miss Maybelline said that I had to stop babying him and that he was fully capable of understanding the supernatural universe and the way things worked.

"Momma." I jumped, startled by Saige as he stood by the kitchen arch way.

"What is it?" I asked smiling.

"Can I have some Oreos?" He asked sitting at the small kitchen table.

"Maybe after dinner." I said setting his plate of mac n' cheese, mashed potatoes and pork chops in front of him. I poured him a glass of apple juice before fixing my own plate. Sitting across from him, I smiled. Here go's nothing.

"Saige honey, sweetie... we need to talk." I smiled but he frowned.

"Is it something bad?" He asked.

"No, why would you think its something bad?"

"Because, you always call me honey or sweetie when something bad happens." He explain picking at the pork chop with his fingers.

"Nothing bad happened, I just want to talk with you about some things. Things that I think you should know."

"Like what?"

"Well, you know how I used to read to you stories like... like Little Red Ridding Hood and Hansel and Gretel?"


"Well you remember the wolf and the witch in those stories?"

"Yeah, I think the wolf was funny because he dressed up as a old lady and you made him sound funny." He laughed and I smiled.

"What if you were a wolf what would you do?" I asked smiling.

"If I was a wolf, I wouldn't dress up as a old lady!" He said laughing more. I laughed poking at my mash potatoes with my fork.

"Saige, you know werewolves and witches are real." I said.


"Yep, your um... your father was a wolf."

"Daddy was a wolf?!" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Uh huh and I'm a witch. I met your father a long time ago." I whispered. "I um... loved your father very much."

"What happened to daddy? Did he love you back?"

"I'm not sure if he did, he went on a long trip and he won't be coming back." I said.


"Well, because he's busy doing werewolf things."

"But I'm a werewolf too right? So I can go help him."

"No, you can't."


"Because I said so Saige, now listen to me! It's very important that you don't tell anyone that mommy and... your father is a witch and werewolf. Can you keep a secret like that? Now, that means no telling any of your friends at school."

"Yes momma."

"The magic tricks grandma been teaching you, you're able to learn them because you're part witch, you get it from me." I explained. "You can't do those magic tricks at school or anywhere, you understand me?" I asked him and he nodded.


"You're special Saige, you're very special to me and grandma. You're what we call a hybrid meaning that you have two different... genes in your DNA. A werewolf gene and a witch gene." I explained.

"A hybrid?" He frowned and I nodded. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Stay here." I said going to answer it. Looking through the peep hole, I was shock to see Donovan. I put the chain lock on the door, why? I have no idea when he's clearly capable of ripping this whole door off it's hinges if he really wanted to.

"What do you want?" I asked him opening the door.

"I just what to talk."

"So talk." I said. He closed his eyes as a low growl sipped from his lips.

"Cameron told me what happened at the office with that... animal." He growled. "I just want to see if you were alright." he said lowly.

"I'm fine." I said about to close the door when his hand stopped the swing of the door. He frowned deeply while inhaling.

"There's a male wolf in your home." He said eyeing me and I shook my head.

"Please leave." I glared at him. He growled tearing the chain lock off the door and forcing it open. "Get out!" I yelled pushing him with no avail. Donovan sniffed around and I didn't see Saige in the kitchen. Donovan pushed me out the way heading to the two bedrooms in the back. I ran after him. "Donovan, if you don't get the hell out of here right now, so help me- " I harshly whispered and he abruptly stopped and turn to me.

"Tell me who he is and I'll leave." He growled.

"I swear I don't have time for this. Please leave." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I'm a man of my word, Kai. Tell me and I'll leave." He said glaring at me. I glared back at him. Damn it, he was so tall but I didn't give a single damn about the advantage of height the man had over me. I'll still fuck somebody up defended my son.

"He's my son." I said and Donovan eyes widen a split second before that same hard look took over his face as he took a step back. I could see the pain beneath the anger as he walked backwards out my apartment with me following him to the front door. No words were spoken as I shut the door in his face and locked it. I could tell he was still standing there a minute before leaving completely. I ran back to Saige's bedroom and opened his small walk-in closet. I opened the hidden panel in the back of the closet, breathing easy finding Saige hugging his knees to his chest. He blinked looking up at me, clutching his inhaler tightly in his hand. This is the place Saige would hide when he was scared or unsure about something. I made it for precautionary reasons...

"Come here..." I whispered hugging him tightly. I held him rocking back and fourth a little.

"Who was that?" He whispered and I shook my head.

"No one, come on let's get you ready for bed."


Author Note: Here's another update for you guys. In this chapter, Kai sits Saige down and tell him what he is and even tells him a little bit of his father. Then here comes Donovan busting down doors and everything. My question here is do you think Donovan was in the wrong?




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