Chapter 11: The Scheme Of Things

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~ Chapter 11: The Scheme Of Things ~

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"Damn it," I curse pulling the bullet out my arm with a pair of pliers. I was able to suppress the bleed before it even started but getting shot by a damn five year old wasn't what pissed me off. It was the look on Kai's face. I didn't want to hurt her but I was just following orders. Orders I wasn't even sure was correct.

"Travis, back so soon I see. I honestly thought that you'll enjoy Kai's flesh a little longer." He smirked and I grabbed him by the neck.

"Don't test me Will, where's Nicole?" I growled marching through the home where we all once grew up as kids. Now after the fire, the place was thrashed and everything was burnt to a crisp.


"Any clue to when she'll return?" I asked turning to look at me little brother.

"Nope but hey, did you get it?" He asked smiling ear to ear like all our problems were solved.

"No, that's why I need to speak with Nicole. She said Kai had it but I didn't find it. I ran out off time to look when she attacked me." I said. I felt bad but I had to find it to save mom and dad, to bring them back and have everything back to the way it once was. To be a family again.

At that moment, Nicole walked through the door and I all but glared at her as she kicked off her heels and went straight to the fridge for a beer.

"You have some explaining to do." I said and she turned to look at me so innocently. Her eyes dropped to my bloodied arm and she let out a gasp.

"Oh my God! What the hell happened to you?! Come here, sit down and let me stitch you up." She frowned siting me down on the couch.

"Will, go get the first aid kit." she said snapping her finger at him and he walked off rolling his eyes.

"Nicole that's unnecessary, it'll heal on it's own. What I really want to asked you is what the hell?!" I snapped at her and she glared up at me.


"You told me Kai had it but she didn't!"

"What? I'm certain she has it! I can smell it on her. Are you sure you didn't just screw up like you always do, brother?" she frowned.

"Now you listen to me, how the hell am I supposed to find the damn thing when you're the only one out of the three of us who can smell it?!" I growled.

"Just shut the fuck up for a minute and let me think!" She yelled out pacing the floor.

"Well?" Will said folding his arms watching her. I sighed leaning back on the old sofa. My gunshot wound now starting to heal itself. I was the eldest out of us. It was me, then Nicole and then, Will the youngest.

Both Nicole and Will hated the idea of leaving this house forever and having the human government take it and bulldoze it. Having it reduced to a pile of rubble. I had to channel a huge amount of power into creating a barrier to have the house appear in top shape, so no one would ever think the house was in the terrible condition that it really was.

I just wanted to move on, mom and dad would never agree with what we're doing. They'll turn over in their graves just as the thought of it but I couldn't bare seeing Nicole and Will suffer the pain any longer. So, I went along with their hairbrained scheme just so I won't have to pick a fight with them. That's the last thing I want in this world right now, is losing my only brother and sister over something as petty as bickering.

"I got it! When's the next time you'll see Kai?" She asked and I thought back to when she texted, me before the break in that she'll be free on Saturday or something like that.

(Ed.) Monster Lover ~ Haze (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now