The way i loved... i mean liked you.

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  • Dedicated to Serena for inspiring this chapter :)

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Love :]

Chapter 7

The way i loved... i mean liked you.

Sonee's P.o.v


 It's been a week since me and Drake met, and it's possibly been the best time of my life, eating bagel's to no end, watching the sun rise,

 "Let's do something new tonight" I stated, laying down in the snow getting chilly.
"Like?" Drake replied with a bored tone
"Let's go to my room" I said popping out of the beautiful white snow.
"I-i cant do that.." He said hesitantly.
"Please" I pouted.
"I cant" He said strictly
"Why not?" I said disappointingly.
"I- forget it let's go" He said smiling.
"Yay!" I said pulling on his hand leading him inside and through the stone corridor.

 "It's sooo cold" I whined.
"I can start a fire?" Drake said walking over to the fireplace in my room.
"Please" I said convincingly.
"Alright" He said putting log's into the fireplace and some other junk.
"So were you a boy scout?" I said wonderingly as shadow's danced around us.
"No, what made you think that?" He said shaking his head chuckling.
"You starting a fire so fast" I said plainly.
"I go camping a lot, maybe i could take you some time?" He said turning around to face me, a full blast fire warming the room quickly.
"That'd be fun" I said cheerily taking off my wet shoe's and jacket.
"Be right back" I said walking into the bathroom with a pair of warm pajama's in hand.
"mm" He replied back in a distracted tone.

 When i came back from the bathroom in my super cool batman pajama's, i found drake lying on the bed, just staring at the ceiling.
"What's wrong?" I asked plopping down next to him.
"Nothing.." He sighed.
"Tell me" I said turning torward's him.
"It's nothing mea mireasa." He said brushing it off, but we both tensed as he said 'mea mireasa'.
"Mea mireasa" He said breathlessly as he turned to me.
"Y-yes?" I said a rosy blush on my cheek's even though i had no idea what that meant.
"I-i like you" He said leaning over me now.
"I-" I got cut off by his warm rosy lip's on mine.
"I-i'm so sorry son-" I cut him off this time with my lip's and wrapped my arm's tightly around his neck.
One of his warm hand's carressed my cheek while the other held him up above me.   
He suddenly pulled away and moved down to my neck while i caught my breath.
"Drake" I whispered shivering as his lip's danced across my jaw, and finally his lip's claimed mine once more.
"Sonee i'm sorry i-i have to go" Drake said getting off of me and ran out of the room.
"Drake" I whispered my finger's touching my lip's where his lay just a moment ago.

So here's the deal im gonna do a double upload cause i havent uploaded in a few days cause i got grounded x.x i have anger issues what can i say :P
but anyways i still want at least five votes on both chapters!! before i upload again :P sooo yah...

story info below :]

Song: Running up that hill (Kate bush cover) by: serena (voice of a angel<3)

Picture: Drake in anime form ;D (i do anime form mostly because i dont think real people match up to the characters well)


(btw second chapter might not be posted yet but should be in the next hour o:)

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