Updates on the sequel :D

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Hello everyone! :D

This is just an update on the sequel and I needed to let you guys know a few things and ask a few things.

First off, I will be removing the blood brothers series (whit and brit) from ANWD as I am unable to finish it in time for the sequel and other issues that I cannot say.

But I will post it separately on my account and it will be on private so I think that means you’ll have to fan me if you wanna read it I really don’t know cause I’ve never had a story on private xD.

Sorry for the inconvenience about this, I might continue it later but not now.

Secondly, I will be posting the sequel SEPERATELY, I wasn’t going to in the beginning because I was worried it wouldn’t get as many views and votes as fast as ANWD, but I figured out a few things about posting it together and it just wouldn’t work very well yet.

SO anyways I will be posting it separately but if it doesn’t get as many views and votes as quickly as ANWD first did then I will be posting it on the ANWD page if that makes sense J

I will give you an update on the sequel if that ever does happen, and also I will be updating you on ANWD to let you know when the sequel comes out which is hopefully very soon J

Also as you know ANWD category’s are Vampire and Romance but for the sequel there is so many more creatures besides vampires so I was wondering if I should change it to fantasy instead of vampire (Im definitely keeping Romance)

So vampire or Fantasy? 

I really need your opinion on this J

  Also I told quite a bit of you guys that I would be posting on Monday or Tuesday but I didn’t get it done :[

I still have a lot to type out and edit then I have to make a cover and write a summary.

Hopefully I will get it out by sometime this week J

But since I have made you guys wait for a while I will give you a sneak peek!

‘Sonee sighed as she lifted her shirt up as she looked into the mirror,

Her pregnant belly now fairly large and definitely noticeable,

Also the tattoo on her hip has got longer and bigger curling up her one side of her torso now.

It was beautiful and she knew it was growing with the baby, She remembered Leighton telling her it meant the baby was going to be powerful and healthy’

Its not much but If I did anything else it would’ve gave everything else away! D:

So goodbye for now ^.^!

Thanks for reading!

I will leave you with the lovely banner a fan made ANWD that i have totally forgotten to show everyone D:

unfortunately i cannot remember who made it for me as i got a month or two after i started anwd i think...  and i feel terrible but thank you :D

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