Whisper's in the Dark

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And most importantly... ENJOY!! :D

Chapter Thirty.

 Whisper's in the Dark.

 Drake's P.o.v.

 I sighed as I lay in my small tent arm's tucked behind my head, It was dead midnight and I could not even get a wink of sleep All I could think of was Sonee, Her sweet lip's, Her gentle laugh, Her body trembling underneath my finger tip's.

 I groaned at the thought, and I heard a small tap on my zipped up tent door.

"Yeah?" I called out, but got no response.

 I sniffed the air, and smelt a new scent.

 I felt myself disolve into a shadow creeping out the crack's and hole's of the tent in what would look like black smoke not that you could see it in the pitch dark forest.

"Hurry!" I heard a hiss, followed by the crunching of leaves.

I followed their scent and the sound's, crawling on the tree's and broken leaves.

"Drake" I heard someone hiss in my head automatically making me freeze.

"Drake... please come back" I heard Sonee say in my head, and I started panicked

"Come down and play with us" I heard someone say below me, and I spotted two tall figures.

"Don't try to call for help.. We're in control of your mind link.. Just like Sonee did remember?" The guy laughed, and I dove for the ground shadow's swarming around in a circle until I regained my human figure.
"So someone did help you escape" I hissed at Ashton, the man who tried to seduce Sonee.

I looked over to the fairly young man who was leaning against a tree smiling in victory, his fang's gleaming in the moonlight.

"Who are you?" I questioned, and his smile got wider.

"Behind you" I heard someone whisper in my ear from behind me, and I quickly turned around to see him standing behind me, his face covered by the shadow's.

"Who are you?" I demanded once again, and his smile got wider by the second.

"The Master mind, I control you" I heard someone say behind me, and with a blink I was back in my tent laying in the same posistion as I was before that all that happened.

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