Hunt, Blood, Lust.

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Chapter Twenty.

 Hunt, Drink, Lust.

 Drake's P.o.v.

 It's been five day's since Sonee went missing,
and it's slowly killing me,
Especially since i have already drank from her, that mean's we have a form of connection,
and i'm guessing that connection is emotion,
I only say so because i keep catching glimpses of emotions's that aren't mine,
Most of them are Pain, Conflict, Confusion, and slight pleasure?
They all struck my heart hard, and i was about to go insane.

 Me, My family, and Kodak were currently sitting in the dining room,
Map's, Empty bottles of blood, and a few of cocoa's toy's,
littered the long dark mahogany table we were all surrounding.

 "Have we found anything? anything at all?! any lead's?!" I asked in anger,
running my finger's through my silky hair.
"Not even a drop of blood, my Son" My father answered, looking down at me in pity.
"Call them! Call them now!" I roared, i could no longer handle this agony!
"Drake, darling... Don't you think that's a little extreme?" My mother replied worried.
"I know they can do it.." I said, trailing off, collapsing in my chair.
"Cecile" I said, and her head snapped up to me, then resumed playing with cocoa on the floor.
"Yes Drake?" She answered in a frail voice.
"Go get the new tracker's for me? you can take Cocoa with you too"
"O-oh okay! Yes sir!" She saluted, picked Cocoa up, and left to the... Guest room..
"Kodak? do you see anything at all?" I questioned, lately he has been getting flashes of,
kimano's, cigarette smoke, and knives.
"N-n-no" He replied shakily, guilt clear in his eye's.
"What did you see?!" I growled, standing up.
"I don't think i should tell you.." He said, with a glimpse of remorse in his eye's.
"Tell me now! or i'll make sure to kill you slowly with every silver bullet i own!" I growled.
"ENOUGH! you do not talk to your best friend that way Drake! Apologize this instance!" My father boomed,
his eye's a nice shiny black.
"Sorry.. i just... i love her.." I said, sinking back in my chair miserably.
"It's alright mate.. It's just, i saw something rather disturbing.." Kodak replied, with a shudder.
"Tell me please.. Kodak.." I begged.
"I saw Sonee... in a red room, wearing a white kimano splattered with dried up blood,
barely hanging on her shoulder's, but the really disturbing part is her..
her... face... it was weird, it looked like something was carved into her face,
and i could see some tracing's on her shoulder's, which i'm guessing lead's to her back,
her hair was tangled, but still smooth,
and her lip's were painted black, like actually painted,
but.. you could still clearly see the blood dried up on her lip's.." Kodak said,
with a blank stare.
"What do you think it mean's? was it even real?" I questioned.
"It was plenty real... well at least her form was... bu-" Just as he was about to
say something else one of our butler's, Trancy, walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Lord drake, you have some visitor's.." Trancy said, with dangered expression.
"Let them in" I said, waving him off, and looking back down at the map's.
"Brother, How good it is to see you" I heard a voice say, in fact the worst voice i've
ever heard.
"Brake.. Now is not the time to be visiting" I growled, slowly looking up,
to find he was not alone.
"I just wanted to introduce you to my wife" He announced proudly, with a hint of smug in his voice.
"YOUR WIFE!!" My mother screeched, popping up from her chair excitedly.
"Yes..." He said, and i looked to his 'wife',
she had smooth raven black hair that flowed down to her waist in soft curl's at the end,
she was wearing a... w-white kimano? with a dark red pattern swirling around it,
and a white ribbon tied it together, that was slipping off her shoulder's.
her skin was as pale as death,
her face?
well it was masked,
with a rather weird black and white mask that covered her whole face.
"Ah sorry about the mask.. she's rather embarrassed about her face.." He said, as he noticed
me staring.
"But don't worry she can take it off? It's alright darling they won't judge you" He said
reasurringly, and she slowly slid off the mask, and let it drop to the floor.
"Sonee!" I yelled, angrily yet joyfully, then froze,
her face... it was...
it had tattoo's on it, black tattoo's,
they looked like tribal butterflies,
and her lip's were painted black,
but two small tip's of white were clearly showing on her lip's.
"YOU! YOU TOOK HER FROM ME! AND YOU TURNED HER!" I roared, lunging at him,
but brother's held me back.
"B-brake... who are these people?" She whimpered, clutching his right arm, with a terrified look in her eye's.
"Sonee... you-you don't remember me?" I whispered, and she studied my face a little.
"I don't remember any of you.. Brake i'm scared.." She whispered, clutching onto him tighter.
"It's alright... we'll be staying for a week or so, is that okay?" Brake asked, directing the question
to my mother and father.
"OF COURSE!" My mother said, filled with so much glee to even realize the situation.
"Well then! Me and Meu prizonier, will be heading off to my old room" He said, flashing me a smirk,
and i noticed Sonee's eye's were filled with a hint of dread when they left.


 "Cecile, call off the tracker's and get some rest" I said out loud, knowing that she could hear me.
"Same goes for everyone else" I continued, and everyone rushed out of the room,
and i did the same but slower.

 As i walked past Brake's room i heard a quiet moan, i don't know if it was from pain or pleasure.
"Brake.. it hurt's... stop... stop... stop it!" I heard a trembling voice say, screaming at the end,
that's when i burst through the door,
Both of them on the bed,
Brake was behind Sonee,
Pulling her head back by her jaw,
Exposing her neck to him,
where his fang's dug in happily,
a little blood leaking from the scar's he was creating, and dripping down her neck line,
but that wasn't the only thing dripping down her neck,
Tear's fresh salty tear's,
"Get off of her!" I growled, and pulled her away from him into my arm's bridal style.
"Aww look at that, poor baby misses his bri- i mean ex bride" Brake said mockingly,
with a smirk.
I ignored him and sped out of his room and ran to mine, worried because of how fast she was breathing.

 I layed her down on my bed,
kneeled down,
and collapsed on her stomach,
and after holding it in for so long, i let the tear's pour, and the sob's escape.
"Sonee.. i will have you back.." I whispered, a promise to her and myself.

 After a few minute's the tear's slowed down to a stop,
the sob's quieted,
and Sonee's breathing was regular.

 I stiffened as i felt delicate finger's run through my hair weakly, and stay there.
"D-drake right?" Her soft voice rang, and my head slowly lifted,
making her hand drop to her side.
"Yes" I whispered, as if afraid she'll disappear.
"I-i'm scared... I can barely remember who i am... but the thing's i do remember feel..
fake" She said quietly, and uncertainly.
"Does that sound completely crazy?" She continued.
"No.. but everyone's crazy" I said, giving her a small smile,
which she returned weakly.
"I'm sorry i don't remember you.." She said sadly.
I pushed myself up so my upper body hovered over her's.
"You will" I promised.
"But.. what if i don't wanna remember" She whispered, regret in her eye's.
"Why wouldn't you?" I asked, frightened that she may never want to remember me.
"I just feel like there's something that i'm not supposed to remember.." She replied.
"If there is, it's better you know and be safe, then rather not know and be in danger"
I said, caressing her cheek, and she blushed.
"Why do you care so much about me, when i don't even remember you?" She asked.
"You are very important to me... maybe i can refresh your memory" I said,
and kissed her lip's softly, and little spark's flooded through my body.

 After a few second's, she gasped and pulled away from me with shock in her eye's,
but then she surprised us both by crashing her lip's back to mine,
i eagerly kissed back, wrapping my arm's around lower back, pulling her closer to me,
and she wrapped her arm's around my neck.
I pulled back so she could breathe, and trailed sweet kisses down her neck,
to where two faint scar's layed on the left side of her neck,
I felt my eye's go red with blood lust, and i clamped my fang's down on the exact
place where i first drank from her.

 She let out a slight moan, as i gulped down her sweet intoxicating blood.
After a few more mouthful's she weakly tried to push me away,
so i pulled away from her neck, and kissed her lip's, she weakly responded at first but then,
caught some of her energy back, and kissed back more eagerly.
She caught my bottom lip with her fang's, drawing blood.
her eye's flashed to mine, asking for permission,
which i approved,
she brought my lip's back to her's, then bit my tongue,
drawing more blood, and sucked, hard.

 Suddenly she pulled back,
Her eye's closed tightly,
Fist clenched,
Arched back,
Breathing deeply and quickly.

 She screamed, and clutched her head, and her tattoo's were.. moving?
They looked like they were pulsing, and were running all over her body.
"Ahh.. look what you did brother" I heard Brake say behind me, and i whipped my head
in his direction.
"What are you doing to her!" I yelled.
"I'm not doing anything, she just is simply trying to remember...
I guess if she drank someone's blood she knew, she would see that person's
memory, don't you think so?" He said, like he was teaching simple vampirery.
"I-i didn't think about that.." I replied, feeling a little guilty.
"You never do Drake, I thought you would learn not to repeat the same mistake twice" He said,
in a taunting voice.
"Don't you dare bring Evangiline up!" I roared,
and pinned him against the wall.
"Poor boy, does he miss his ex-bride?" Brake taunted.
"I'm gonna kill you Brake i swear!" I growled.
"Go ahead brother, I dare you, but if i die you die" Brake said seriously.
"That's a small price don't you say?" I replied, starting to dig my finger's into
his chest, where his cold heart is placed.
"Ahh but if you die, who will take care of Miss Sonee?" Brake said, hitting my weak spot's,
and i dug my finger's into his chest more, making the flesh tear.
"I'll kill you, someday you better be waiting for me." I said, pulling away from him.

 I turned around to look at Sonee, to see a empty bed where she should have been.
"Sonee?" I called out, but no reply.
"Sonee?!" I called, running all round,
I checked in the bathroom,
The closet,
even under the bed, and she sure as hell didn't use the door.
"Sonee?!" I yelled out the hallway, but she was no where in sight.

(A/n: I was gonna stop here but what the hay!)

 Cecile's P.o.v.

 As i was folding some paper for origami, i heard a knock on my door.
"Coming!" I shouted, and rushed off the bed to the door.
"Sonee?" I said when i opened the door, but as so as i saw her face,
she charged.

 I was pushed roughly against the wall, and i heard the door shut and lock.
"Sonee what are you doing?!" I yelled, trying to push her off,
and she stumbled,
but before i could blink chain's came out of the wall, and wrapped around my arm's,
and pulled me tightly against the wall.
How did she do that?! she didn't even move? even i have to move a little to do that.

 She came torward's me, her kimano catching in the light.
She clutched my face, making me stare into her saddened eye's,
"Your going to answer some of my question's alright?" She said, in a terrifying voice.
I nodded.
"Who is Evangiline?" She asked.
"I can't tell you th-!" I started, but then i saw it,
Her tattoo's on her arm's were moving, going up her hand's,
and into my face.
I looked into her eye's terrified,
and they were glowing white,
and suddenly my body was numb.
"Who is Evangiline?" She questioned again.
"She was Drake's ex-bride, She died a few day's before they got married,
She was sixteen, from italy, Blonde hair, Pale blue eye's,
Shining smile,
The exact opposite of you actually" I said, no control over my mouth what so ever.
"Is there any possible way to reverse becoming a vampire?" She asked.
"Yes, The cure, but it's only available to high rank's like the vitalli's and us" I said, again wishing i hadn't.
"Where can i find this cure?" She asked, in a very demanding tone i might add.
"In the vault behind the king and queen's throne" I answered.
"Very well, Now you will forget this whole conversation and ever seeing me tonight" That's
all i heard after everything went black.


 Sonee's P.o.v.

 "Open the door's" I commanded the guard's, they shared a look,
then chuckled,
"We can't just let anyone in-!" He started, before i entered their mind's.
"Open the door's and do not say a word, or move a inch until i get back" I commanded and they
opened the door's,
where the queen and king were sitting in a small conversation.
"Sonee? is there something you need darling?" The queen questioned once she saw me.
"Yes there is" I said, entering the back of their mind's, making sure their mind link was off. (Kinda like a pack link for werewolves but for vampires)
"I want the cure" 
"I don't think we can give you that!" The queen argued.
"I mean you were going to become a vampire in a few week's anyway's"
The king said brushing me off.

 I watched as the dark shadow's slithered closer to them, on the wall behind them.
"I wasn't asking you if I could have the cure, I was ordering it" I said, smiling a full blown smile,
and that's when hell broke loose.


 The door slammed close,
The light's dimmed,
Chain's bursted up from the floor,
Wrapping against the queen and king,
Tying them against their chair's,
And chaining every escape route,
But of course it's no ordinary chain's,
These chain's were Vampire proof.
"Sonee! I command you to stop" The king ordered, as he and his wife struggled against the chain's.
I entered their mind's completely taking over, and their eye's widened.
"Don't talk, Don't struggle, And Don't remember" I Commanded, and they blacked out,
slumping in their seat's, making the chain's tighten a little.

 I walked up to the queen, and yanked the necklace off her neck,
Then walked behind the throne,
and Showed the huge wall with a tapestry of their family crest, the necklace.
"I, Sonee rave, As queen I demand you to open"  I ordered,
and soon enough a door appeared, but it looked like a trap.
"Promit  ca regina sa protejeze poporul meu, cu inima  si sufletul meu,
Deschide usa!" I commanded in romanian,
Brake trained me well, I thought.
He showed me how to use all my power's,
Taught me every language in the world,
And how to hunt.

 The wall's rumbled a little, and a creaking sound could be heard,
and soon a door with a weird shaped hole, above the handle,

 I approached the door, and put the necklace in the hole,
Perfect fit.
Just to be safe, i used my mind to open the door,
and walked into the large dim hall.

 I finally got to a small door,
and what was waiting for me inside surprised me.
"Lacey? Justin?" I said my eye's rolling over their skinny figure's.
"I warned you" Lacey said, and the door behind me slammed,
I smirked, and a purple kitana sword slithered out from my arm,
and into my hand.
"You never listen Sonee, you could have prevented this,
if you didn't meet up with him" Lacey said.
"If i didn't i doubt you two would be alive" I countered.
"Drake lied to you, just like about you being his first bride" That's when i entered their mind's,
but before i could turn off their mind link's,
she screamed,
"DRAKE!" Lacey screamed,
Anger burning in my eye's,
i made them black out,
and they fell to the floor.

 I quickly got the small metal suitcase,
and a few other necessities,
and then i heard pounding on the door.
"Sonee! let me in please" I heard Drake plead.
"I'm sorry Drake, goodbye" I whispered, and left




Thanks for waiting :)

Thanks for reading :D

And can you believe 20 chapters!! :D

8000 reads,
218 Votes,
and 100 comments!!! :D
this makes me wanna cry :')

thanks so much for your support :)

Story info below:

 Song on the side: Believer by: Kill hannah (One of the reasons this chapter took so long, i couldnt pick a song >-<)

 Pic on the side: Sonee's kimono and a kitana

External link: My weheartit account! :D go check the website out its awesome :)

Once again thanks for reading :)

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