A white rose stained with red

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Chapter Nineteen

 A White Rose Stained With Red.

Part 3.

 Sonee's P.o.v.

 I don't know where it came from,
How it got here,
And why it was calling me but,
As i was dancing i felt this undeniable pull,
I knew something, or rather someone was calling me,
Not physchically but mentally,
I knew i had to go,
I had to!

 "Drake, Darling i have to go to the powder room real quick okay?" I said, slowing a hault
to our dancing.
"Oh okay, hurry i have someone i want you to meet!" He replied excitedly.
"Alright alright" I said,
walking out of the ballroom,
but my destination was not the ladies room,
Indeed it was not,
The real destination you ask?
well, even i don't know that, yet.

 I had been walking as fast as i could,
practically running,
i had to get there fast,
even if i did not know where there was,
but i'm guessing it was outside,
because the smell of cherry blossom's and, something intoxicatingly sweeter,
stained the air, carrying my feet forward,
Guiding me,
Leading me,
Possesing me.

 I halted to a stop in front of two dirty stained glass door's,
that looked so old they could fall any moment,
but they were still standing.

 I finally got the gut's to open the door's,
and when i did a big gust of wind flowed through,
making my hair blow back,
my dress cling to my leg's,
but i didn't even flinch.

 What stood ahead of me had me frozen,
A statue of a angel, a male angel,
wing's spread out as preparing to take flight,
but what stood in front of the angel is what really caught my eye,
A man,
With a beautiful mask with so much detail and edge,
Black choppy hair that went past his neck,
Tall, very tall,
Muscled but not body builder, just enough.
A victorian styled black suit,
With the black jacket half-way to the floor,
And a red tie shining in the moonlight.

 "I have been waiting for you, My bride" He said, with the same accent elisabeta had (British/Romanian)
His voice sounded young but rough with age,
probably a few year's  older then myself.

"Come" He said, spreading his arm's out wide.
I tried not to move at all,
but my feet still rushed to get in his arm's,
and when they wrapped around me securely,
everything went black,
and the last thing i saw were two red and black eye's,
and a smiling pair of fang's.

 Drake's P.o.v.

 As soon as she left i rushed over to my best friend,
He was my best friend since i was five,
he's a were-wolf,
you'd think that we were enemies right?
well  vampire's and werewolves choose to live in harmony
rather than worthless war.

 Anyway's, he's one year older then me,
has bright brown hair, that went past his waist,
but he alway's had it braided,
Perfectly tanned light brown,
Wolfish smile,
Very well built,
And dark golden eye's.

"Hey! where's that lovely lady i've been hearing about all night?"
Kodak said, with a bright smile.
"She went to the ladies room" I replied brightly, smiling.
"Is that s-!" He started, but then suddenly grabbed his head.
"What's wrong?!" I asked, trying to hold him up.
"Something's wrong, something's way wrong!" He said, gripping his head tighter.
The thing is,
Kodak power is a visionist (A phsychic basically)
where he can sense something,
or see vision's of future, past, or present,
he can see someone's whole life once they say they're name,
or if lucky by sight,
it's a strange gift really, but it's pretty interesting.
"It's never hurt so badly before" He gasped out.
"Do you see anything?" I asked worriedly.
"Blood, there's so much blood!" He shouted, making head's turn to us.
"Where? what's happening kodak?!" I asked franticly.
"Mommy? Why is everything red?" Kodak kept repeating in a voice much too young for him,
"WHY IS EVERYTING RED?!" He screamed, everyone's head turned torward's us,
and my parent's, his parent's, cecile, and yuma (kodak's sister) came running over.
"What's going on?!" My father shouted.
"He's having a vision! he said it hurt, and then he started talking all weird"
I said.
"Brake" He whimpered, and i froze.
"Brake stop.. it hurt's... it hurt's!" He screamed the ending,
and that's when i broke,
and i put my hand on his forehead,
and let the vision pour into my mind,
one of my gift's,
but before i could see anything,
it went blank,
and Kodak collapsed into my arm's.
"She's gone, He killed her, She's dead, He killed her." Kodak repeated, whimpering.
I tensed up, i felt two small area's burning in my neck,
The exact place i bit Sonee.
"Where's Sonee?" I asked no one in particular.
"I thought she went to the loo" Cecile said.
"We just saw sonee not to long ago" Whit said, walking up to us, with Brit right behind him.
"Yeah, she was running to the old garden's... it was weird,
because we called her, and she barely glimpsed at us,
and her eye's... they were deadly." Brit carried on.
"She's gone drake, it was her in my vision.. she's too far gone" Kodak said,
with grief in his eye's.
and that was all it took to make me start running to the old garden's.

 When i got there i collapsed on my knee's at the sight,
Her dress, was shredded everywhere.
A few drop's of blood here and there.
But what got me the most was the engagement ring laying in front
of the huge angel statue.

 Sonee's P.o.v.

 I didn't know where i was,
Everything was black still but i knew i was awake,
I felt my hand's and feet were chained,
but that didn't matter because i couldn't even move.
"You're finally awake i see" That voice said,
but he knew i couldn't reply.
"This might hurt a bit" He said, and i felt his fang's graze my neck,
then plunge straight into a vein,
he was draining me!
He was going to kill me!
I started breathing faster,
"Please don't kill me" I whimpered, suddenly finding my voice,
but he put his hand against my mouth,
and i knew why.
I screamed in pure agony,
it was muffled,
but that didn't matter,
all that mattered was the pain,
the agonizing pain.

"Stop it!" I screamed, but he ignored me and kept drinking.

 After a few more minute's he pulled away, and i was completely numb,
and everything went darker.

 Everything hurt,
My bone's felt like they were stretching,
My hair felt like someone was pulling so hard, as to try to make it grow faster,
My teeth felt like they were straightening all over again, and some felt like they were
growing, getting sharper.
Even my breast hurt, like they were about to explode,
and i could hear my heart beating so quickly and loudly, as if it's about to burst.

 All of the sudden everything stopped, i heard nothing but my quick breathing.
nothing hurt,
but i did feel different,
worn out,
and i craved something,
i don't know what but it was so undeniable,
and i could just smell it,
taunting me,
mocking me,
like holding a teddy bear in front of a child then
saying they could never hug it.
"Drink" I heard him say,
and something soft was pressed up against my lip's,
and my mouth immediately opened,
and bit down,
and a flavor so sweet, so new, so unknown, entered my mouth,
slowly going down my throat,
and i kept dranking until i felt the craving leave my body.


 Suddenly, there was a aching in my head,
and i felt like something was draining me,
or taking something from me.
"Go to sleep" He commanded,
right before i passed out.


Hope you liked it! :D

i stayed up all night to write this :/

Please vote, comment and share!

sorry for the wait, writers block (and i know its no excuse but it's bad)
its gone now though.. hopefully


btw someone wanna make me a cover?

Story info below:

Song on the side:  I'm not a vampire by: Falling in Reverse

Pic on the side: The mask (The one that guy was wearing)

External link: Sarah in wonderland (Re-written)

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