What big red eye's you have!

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  • Dedicated to Sexy vampires? o.O

Hey :)

Sry for so many votes on the last chappie :(
i just wanted to get it to 113 because it was the 13th
chapter ^-^
thirteen chapters?
im lamee...

VOTE   7

    COMMENT  7



 Desire ;)

   Chapter Fourteen.

   What big red eye's you have!

 "Is not"
"Is too!"
Was all i pretty much heard since drake walked in on me and leighton.

 "You wanna fight baby fang's?!!" Drake shouted.
"DONT EVEN SAY THAT" Drake roared, his eye's were a fiery red almost a deep orange, they almost looked glowing.
"Boy's" I muttered, walking into the bathroom, and they didn't even notice me leaving.

 I sighed and looked into the mirror and almost gasped at the two bite mark's on my neck, that were slightly
shaped like heart's, but you couldn't notice unless you had a extreme eye for detail's.
I slowly put two finger's on the two scabbed over hole's, and i gasped, at the pain yet the extreme pleasure,
what would it feel like if drake touched it? was the question that kept pecking on my mind.

 "SHE IS MINE" Drake yelled, and i heard a slap.
"She is mine!!" Leighton said,  a bone crunching sound following.
"If me and sonee were together we'd have pretty children, and make the perfect couple,
and have lot's of hot sweaty vampire s*x!" Leighton droned on, and i chuckled, i knew he was
trying to get drake at his worst.
"Uh yeah i ca-" Leighton started, until drake kicked him in his baby maker.
"NOT ANYMORE" Drake said, a victory smirk on his face for seeing leighton on the floor sobbing.
"L-leighton.." I stuttered, in the entry way of the bathroom.
"Yeah?" He said, after the pain weared off.
"I am, and forever will be His bride" I stated confidently, pulling down the neck line to my shirt a little,
so he could see the bite mark, but as i did so my eye's were completely on drake's.
"S-see i told you so" Drake stuttered, then gulped while looking at me nervously.
"Leighton can you leave, me and drake need to talk still... about vampire's.." I said,
my hand's clamming up.
"Alright" Leighton said getting up and walking up to drake, and only then did i notice how
short leighton was in comparison.
"Congrats big bro" He said, with a cheeky grin, then skipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

 Drake looked at me with a hungry predatory gaze, and slowly walked over to me, with as much grace as a cat.
"Sonee.." He whispered, huskily.
"Y-yes.. master?" I said, i dont know why i called him master though... it was like
it was on impulse.
"You are, and forever will be my bride" He said, then kissed me hard, and i fell on the bed,
with drake following me.
"Drake" I whimpered, as he kissed my neck, slowly and torturely getting closer to the bite mark's.. his mark.
"Are we going to get married?" I whispered shakily, and he slowly pulled back and looked into my eye's.
"Yes" He said, his red but with a hint of pink, eye's captivating me completely.
"But i'm only seventeen.." I said, unconvinced.
"I'm only eighteen sonee.. in vampire age and real age.. i'm lucky to have found my bride so early" He
said with hint's of wonder in his smooth romanian voice.
"We have twelve week's until we have to get married... but i think we will get married sooner,
due to my parent's and my royal commitment" He stated.
"Royal commitment?" I asked.
"I'm the prince of one of the three ruler's in the vampire world.. soon to be king" He said nervously.
"Your royal... and soon to be king... and that mean's... i'll be queen.." I said shakily,
i had never really been good at responsibility.
"It's in your blood no matter what sonee, you would have been found by a
royal searcher, they search for heir's, and take them away whenever their royal blood bloom's"
"So either way we would have met?" I wondered.
"No... if a searcher found you sooner.. then you would be married to my brother..
Brake" He said his eye's going dark red.
"What are the three ruler's?" I asked, changing the subject quickly.
"There are three ruler's in the vampire world, yet they also take care of other creature's issues" He started off,
"A flower symbol for each kingdom, A Rose, A Carnation, and A Cherry blossom, my kingdom is the cherry blossom,
and that symbolize's Innocence, for innocent people, innocent mind's, innocent blood"
"What do the other's mean?" I asked
"Rose mean's the beauty of blood, human's, magic, vampire's, and the world, they are also rank one in the vampire
world" He said, with a dreamy look and continued,
"Carnation's symbolize's Pureness as in, water, forest, shifter's, peace, they are very calm people and
are very intact with their animal side, which mean's they can shift into their animal with ease"
"And a vampire can shift into any animal, but they have one true animal, the one they feel closest
with, it's rather a nice feeling"
"What's your animal?"
"A black and grey tiger" He stated proudly.
"If i turn into a vampire.. what would my animal be?" I questioned.
"No one would know unless.. you turned into one.." He replied.
"Are you going to.. turn me.." I stuttered.
"Yes.. on our wedding night you will officially be mine by blood" He said avoiding eye contact.
"O-oh that's okay..." I said calmly, thinking of spending eternity with drake.
"Really?" He asked, stunned.
"Of course" I stated, cuddling into him.
"Your taking this really well.. me being a vampire you know?" He said, pulling me closer to him.
"Even if your a vampire, your still the same person, and really that's all that count's to me" I said dazed.
"Sonee.. when vampire's get married.. it's not the same" He said sounding super nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"Well... there's three way's of getting married in the vampire world..
The first one is pretty much spur of the moment, where you both bite each other's wrist's,
but if one is mortal, then the vampire would bite the neck and then bite his or her own wrist,
and let the human drink their blood? Do you get it?" He asked.
"Yes" I stated simply.
"The second one, is just like human marriage completely"
"The third... is where it's dead night, there's one coffin that could fit two,
One goblet filled with eternal or blood wine, and one single drop of each other's blood in it,
and there's your vow's.. the male will drink first chanting the traditional eternal wishes
chant in romanian and it goes like 'Tonight on this beautiful evening I vow and wish that these two soul's can be combined for eternity,
and never stop the love,
and hope that we will be eternally together,
and i am asking you to grant us one wish, and that is.. to be eternally forever,
and in love together, and purely be..
..Soul mate's' and then the male will say their vow's, and take a drink of the eternal wine,
and then the female take's two gulp's, and he bite's her as he slide's on her ring, and right as
he bite's her she must put the ring on him, before she fall's into a short slumber, and is put into the coffin and taken
to their honeymoon place, wherever that should be" He said without taking one breath after.
"Vampire's do not need to breathe but most choose too" He said, catching my confused gaze.
"So which way are we doing it?" I asked
"We have to do it two way's.. The third way and the second way, the reason for the second way
is for the royal wedding, it's traditional, some wait till after to do the eternal ceremony though..
but some don't"
"This is a lot to take in..." I sighed.
"I know, and i'm so sorry" He said, kissing my hand.
"Don't be" I said, grasping his hand softly.
"I missed you so much drake, i-i felt like i was dying or going insane" I said, a tear rolling down my cheek
"The reason i left is because... i was going insane from blood lust, i wanted your blood so badly,
more then anyone's and i couldn't stand the thought of hurting you... so i left,
little did i know it would hurt you even more then a small bite" He said with a chuckle at the end.
"I would have let you.. bite me.." I said slowly,
"That's crazy" He stated,
"It's better then insane" I said smiling.
"True" He said pecking my lip's, and all of the sudden his eye's went to a dark redish pink, and
i felt so hot all of the sudden.
"What did you do?" I panted.
"It's part of the bite.. since i claimed you as my bride, it's a part of mating.. Vampire's have mate's too and you
know vampire's and bride's can get pretty lusty" He said,
cockily, smirking at me.
"I'm not having sex with you until we're married" I said, blushing deeply.
"That's a long time.." He stated, kissing down my neck slowly, his eye's still glowing.
"Why are your eye's that color?" I asked trying to ignore his kisses.
"Vampire's eye's can change on their mood, but if their around human's or are just normal,
they'll be their true color, anyway's..
There's three type of mood's with the color red,
Lust is a redish pink color,
Blood lust is a glowing red, pretty much neon.
Anger, which is very deep red almost orange.
and then the rest of the color's..
Purple mean's love,
Green mean's jealousy or envy,
Dark grey mean's depressed,
Blue mean's sadness or hurt,
Pink also can mean love or passionate,
Orange is fury,
Brown is guilty,
 Yellow is complete and utter happiness,
and White is completely calm or in complete bliss.
and that's pretty much it." He said, in a bored tone.

 "Your eye's are lusty right now.." I muttered.
"I bet if you were a vampire then your's would be too" He mumbled, while kissing my collarbone.
"N-no" I stuttered, as he kissed around his mark.
"Don't deny me" He said, licking around the two hole's.
"Yes master" I said, but why did i say master?!
"Your probably wondering why you call me that, it's natural,
because until we're married you'll wanna be my slave, so you'll call me master,
and even if you don't wanna be my slave, then that's... TOO BAD" He said, happily.
"Bast*rd" I muttered.
"What was that?" He mumbled.
"Nothing master!" I said, ACK! stop saying that, i scolded myself.
"Good.." He said, almost kissing the bite mark's, but suddenly pulled away.
"Master" I whimpered.
"Hush" He said, taking off his shirt, revealing more of his beautiful tattoo's.
"M-master what do your tattoo's mean?" I managed to get out.
"Shadow's, i was born with these marking's my ultimate power is shadow's,
i can control them, let me show you" He said.

  A bunch of black dark shadow's crawled over me and suddenly had my hand's and feet
tied up, and i couldn't move them.
"I can use them as weapon's, invisibility, rope" He smirked, and started kissing my jaw, slowly.
"This could be considered rape.." I stated, wriggling around in the rope's.
"Nahh i just call it teasing" He said.
"Master" I whimpered, as he kissed around the mark again.
"Say that you want me sonee, say that you want me to touch it" He said, nipping the skin around the mark's.
"Please master, i want you..." I mumbled, a hot blush on my cheek's.
"I want you.. to go die in a hole!" I continued, trying to kick him or punch him, but it was no use,
i was stuck.
"That's not what i meant.. but close enough!" He said,
Kissing the bite mark's finally.
"Drake.." I moaned out softly, so soft you could barely hear it, but of course he heard it, and the shadow's
went away from my hand's and feet.

 I wrapped my arm's tightly around his neck tightly, pressing his lip's closer to my neck, then
wrapped my leg's around his waist.
"Sonee" Drake groaned, as i pressed myself closer, and licked the bite mark, teasingly
biting it.
"Drake kiss me.. please" I whimpered pleadingly.
"As you wish.." He said slowly pulling away from my neck, and his
red eye's looked back at me, slowly getting closer and closer, until i could feel his warm
yet cool breath on my lip's.
When are lip's touched, everything spinned and suddenly he was on top of me,
holding my hand's in his tightly, and our breathing was getting quicker and quicker,
until a meow interrupted us, and i pulled away from him, and looked at the chubby grey
cat, with blue eye's staring back at me.
"POODLES!" I screamed, pushing drake off of me and onto the floor, and hugged
my adorable kitty.
"Meow" Poodle's said.
"How did you get here?!" I asked stupidly.
"I brought him, vampire's can teleport" He said smiling.
"Thank you" I said tear's falling down my face, what can i say... i love cat's.

 "This isn't fair! you can't just order me around like this you-you manwh*re!" I shouted angrily at drake,
for making me wear this ridiculous french maid costume.
"Ohh but i can!" He said smirking like a fool.
"Poodles attack!" I said, and my fat lazy cat wobbled over to drake who was lying on my bed, and sat
on his chest.
"AHHHH nooo not the furry ninja attack" Drake mocked.
"DIE!!" I screeched and launched myself at him, but i didn't land on him rather the bed,
and guess who was holding me down?
"Let Me Go" I growled.
"That's sexy" He purred, and kissed down my neck.
"Aww maybe drake should dress up like a kitty?" I said, with puppy eye's.
"No way!" He refused.
"Please drake, i think it would be soo... cute" I pouted.
"Finee but it won't be a costume" He said with a innocent smile.
"What do you mea-!" I started off, but then drake had black cat ear's and
a black tail, with a grey tip.
"It's part of my animal side, do you like?" He said, his tail running up and down my leg.
"Get off"
"Get off"
"Get off"
"Never" He smirked, but that smirk dropped quickly as he saw tear's running down my face.
"I feel so violated... A good husband would never violate his wife!" I cried fakely,
"I'm sorry mea mireasa" He said, getting off me, his head hanging in shame.
"It's okay" I said kissing his cat ear's, and he purred in return.
"Do you like my half form?" He asked
"Yes it's cute, i wish i could be a kitty" I whined, but instantly regretted it when my costume,
turned into a black and white cat costume.
"Your wish is my command" He said, smirking, and his tail wrapped around my leg, pulling it over his leg.
"Drakeee" I said sleepily,
"I'm really tired, why am i so tired all of the sudden?" I asked, my eye's fluttering close.
"Because your body is still ajusting, and it could be from shock?" He replied, wrapping his arm's
around me like he did the first night we met.
"Go to sleep sonee, i'll be here when you wake up" He promised.
"Okay drake... i love you" I mumbled, before completely passing out.

i loooved this chapter ^-^
"Baby fangs?! at least i dont have baby dic-!"
am i the only one who finds that funny? :[
20 VOTES o.o
Wow o.o
it wasn't on just one chapter though ^-^
but it still goes noticed :)
i love you all who votes, fans, comment, or even just read this story :)
its such a blessing, thank you :)


Song on the side: Kelsey by Metro station (Sonee and drake's song AWWWW<3)


External link: My youtube channel go add me :)

Like always...


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