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Jett woke up in the hazy sunlight of dawn, wiping away the sweat of a nightmare she had. She sat up and pulled herself out of the sleeping bag she slept in. Kelsey faltered in her sleep and moved slightly to Jett could get up. She walked towards the sink and wet her face, sighing deeply.

The dingy apartment room was now her new home and she felt safe, with her family. It has now been three months since the last time she saw Newt and it pained her every day to think about him. The sun slowly began to rise fully and she began to make breakfast for the multiple people that shared on small apartment.

Cali and Simon woke up early too, cleaning up what little mess they made from the board game night before. It was peaceful and tranquil, everything Jett had hoped for in Denver. Radar seemed almost completely healed and out of shock, which brought much joy to Jett.

It wasn't easy but it was something and you have to begin somewhere. Something that Jett had to remember was one thing, WICKED was never good.

The end.

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