Chapter 4

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Newt ran. He didn't run because he was terrified or the pain from the bruises and cuts all over his body, Newt ran because he was angry. The sun put a weight on his shoulders and it made it harder every leap he took. He dodged cranks near by. He was told never to trust a crank alone, they could be past the gone.

"Shucking cranks." He thought. "Shucking me."

Thomas was right. Tommy was right. He could of tied him up when he offered, when his best friend offered to keep him safe. Never in his life had Newt been this scared, he'd never admitted the bitter feeling.

Then he saw them. A group of cranks. All of them had flesh tearing off there faces, spitting pink mucus and shedding the same clothes. They are all past the gone.

The ground underneath him was hot, his throat burning and his eyes beginning to water from the tiredness that overcame his body.

"No." He thought. "I won't stop."

He kept running. The cranks nearby noticed him and squealed awful cries as he heard them turn in his direction. He kept running. Run, run, run. The only words he could process was run.

They gurgled piercing screams as Newt took a stiff leap into a tree.


Those words appeared in his mind. So he climbed, he climbed until he reached the top of the scorched tree.

"Come down boy!" A crank hissed, his eyes yellow and white.

Newt hid his feet. He positioned himself into a steady position and had a chance to look at his wear about. The cranks still screamed at him as he took in the imagine of a forest. Much like the one in the Glade...but bigger.

The cranks began to throw themselves at the tree and push it. So Newt jumped to the next tree. He caught hold of a brisk branch and hauled himself up. Then again. He kept jumping and leaping until his hands grew blisters and started to turn a musky red.

The cranks still followed but slower, he was losing them.

He climbed down the last tree he had jumped to and ran. He noticed the cranks heavy, maniac breathing as he took slower steps.

"Help me!" He finally cried to no one.

He ran further into the forest. "Help please!" He yelled. "Shucking hell, I'm in need of bloody assistance. Anyone help, please?"

His whole body ached. His knees began to throb, as did his feet. His throat felt like sandpaper and his hair was wet with sweat.

He fell to his knees and right as he did, a figure ran to him but it wasn't a crank.

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