Lily's Back Home And With A Little Drama

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I was walking in the woods looking for the gates of Phoenix Drop when I heard someone yell.

"Lily! Get back to Scaleswind!" It was Vylad. They followed me! I ran and ran until I saw the gates.

"Open the gates!" I yelled and I saw Dante open the gates. I ran in and quickly told him to shut them.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because they followed me here!" I yelled and he looked shocked. I guess he knows I was in Scaleswind because he ran down the gates after shutting them and we ran to the plaza.

"Lily." Aphmau said and hugged me.

"Make sure no one goes to the gates." I said.

"Wh-" She was cut off by Dante.

"She was followed." He said and Aphmau looked shocked then nodded.

"I'll be back." Aph said.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To the gates. Someone get Garroth to the gates." She said then ran off. oh no! Vylad followed me now he going to find his sister and make her come back! This is not good. not good at all.


I told Lily to get Garroth to the gates and then ran to the gates. When I got there I stopped dead in my tracks. She could have told me who followed her! My brother followed her here!

"A-Aphmau." He said. I refused to answer so I just stared at him.

"Aphmau!" He yelled. I was still silent.

"Aphmau why are you here in this village?" He asked and Garroth came running up to the gates to see me staring at Vylad.

"Lord Aphmau who is this?" Garroth asked.

"Wait! You're a lord!" Vylad yelled. I nodded still not speaking.

"Aphmau. Who is this." Garroth said.

"The head guard of Scaleswind, my brother." I said and he was defiantly shocked even if he had his helmet on.

"Brother!" Garroth yelled. I nodded again and walked up to the gate.

"Leave now." I told him.

"Why are you in this village Aphmau." Vylad said.

"Because I'm not marrying someone I don't love!" I yelled even though it was a lie. I do love Garroth and he knows that. He could be a prince, guard, lord, anything and I would still love him. I turned to Garroth and mouthed 'that's a lie. I do love you.'

"Aphmau you need to come home. You need to marry the prince of O'khasis and make peace with the villages." Vylad said.

"And if she doesn't go." Garroth said.

"Then we may have to drag her back to Scaleswind. And why do you care." Vylad said.

"Because I'm sworn to protect my lord as a head guard and protect the people of the village." Garroth said.

"Then why do you have on a helmet. Only guards with horrible past wear helmets. We in Scaleswind have one, that's Travis." Vylad said. Oh yea, Travis was my best friend back in Scaleswind. He's only like two years older than me so I never really have time to talk to him unless he was guarding while I was out or if he was off patrol or when we were younger.

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