Journey To Scaleswind Part 2

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The mystery man was about to speak when a light came from the ground and then it disappeared to show Malachi?

"Malachi?" I asked.

"Mom!" He yelled and ran to me and hugged me.

"Malachi why are you here?" I asked him.

"I was magically transported here when the curse was lifted." He said.

"Oh I lifted the curse but I'm not sure how I did it exactly." I told him.

"What's going on?" The guy aksed.

"Um my son came to us. Now what's your name?" I asked him.

"Um my name is Aaron." He said.

"Aphmau! I'm so happy you're ok!" Garroth yelled and hugged me.

"Yea of course I.........Laurence!" I yelled and turned around and Laurence was still sitting on the floor.

"Geez. Aph don't kill me when you scream. You'll break my ear drums." He said and got up.

"Hey the snow cleared up so you wanna get back to our journey." Garroth said.

"Sure lets go. Malachi you'll just have to come with us." I said and we all left the castle. I started to walk down the stairs when I stopped and turned around.

"Are you coming?" I asked Aaron.

"No I'm going to stay here. But I hope yo-" I cut him off.

"Come on we won't mind you coming with us. Come on we're just going to Scaleswind then going back to Phoenix Drop." I said to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yea come on." I said and he followed us out the castle and we sarted our journey to Scaleswind again.

---One Day Later---

We've been walking for a day and now we have reached the village of Pikoro.

"This is Pikoro not Scaleswind Aph." Garroth said.

"I know but it's getting late and we should get some rest. Scaleswind is only a few hours away but I can't carry Malachi forever and he's pretty tired." I said. We walked to the nearby inn and we got two rooms. Me and Garroth stayed in one room with Malachi and Aaron and Laurence stayed in the other room. Good thing both rooms had two beds.

"Goodnight Malachi." I said and put him in the bed. I kissed his forehead and got into my bed.

"Night Aph." Garroth said and kissed me.

"Night Garroth." I did and he got in bed and we fell asleep and waited for morning.


"Aphmau!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and kept my eyes shut.

"Get up!" They yelled.

"No." I said and turned around again.

"Ok I guess I'll have to kiss you then." Wait! That's Laurence!

"Ahh! Go away Laurence!" I yelled and shot up out of bed.

"You know I'm engaged right." I said.

"Yes and Garroth told me to get you up. He never said how." Laurence said and I hit him on the head.

"Ugh! I'm getting up so let's go." I said and followed him downstairs to the lobby of the inn.

"Ok so everyone's here. Let's go." Garroth said and we left the inn and started our journey back to Scaleswind. We got near the gates of Scaleswind and I stopped everyone.

"Why'd you stop us?" Laurence asked.

"I'll go up to the gates and then you can stay behind me. Not to close though." I said and walked to the gates with all the boys following me. When I got to the gates I saw Travis on the top of the wall.

"Travis!" I yelled. He looked down and when he saw me he opened the gate and ran and hugged me.

"Aph I missed you so much!" He yelled and I hugged him back.

"Travis what's with all the.............Aphmau!" Lucinda yelled and hugged me.

"Hey Lucinda." I said and hugged her.

"What's with the boys over there." Travis said and pointed to the boys.

"Oh! That's why I'm here. Guys come over they're not harmful." I said and they walked up to me.

"Um they are?" Travis asked.

"Mom!" Malachi yelled and hugged me.

"Hey Malachi. I thought I told you to go back to Phoenix Drop." I said.

"Well it's hard to teleport there after teleporting to somewhere else. I need to rest for two days." He said and I looked at a shocked Travis and Lucinda.

"I adopted him." I said and they sighed.

"What about them?" Lucinda asked.

"I'm Laurence. That's Aaron and Garroth." Laurence said pointing the boys out.

"Wait a second. That's the prince! Aphmau you had to marry him!" Lucinda yelled.

"Yes and correction, are marrying." I said.

"Wha!" Travis and Lucinda yelled.

"Can I talk to my dad now." I said and they took us to the castle. I missed this place so much! When we got to the castle we went to the thrown room to see my brother and dad talking.

"Ahem. Lord Garrett." Travis said and he looked over to us.

"Aph honey! What's brought you here. And with so many guards." He said.

"One isn't a guard and I came here to tell you and Vylad something." I said.

"What is it then?" Vylad asked.

"Well............I'm getting married." I said and they froze. Just breathe and you can do this Aph.

"To um well............Me." Garroth said and looked at them.

"A-A-Aph. You're marrying the guy dad stopped the wedding with. What!" Vylad yelled.

"Yea. Um it's kinda because we love each other and he was already going to ask me to marry him even if we didn't have an arranged marriage." I said.

"Aph that's great honey!" My dad yelled and hugged me.

"Ugh! Welcome to the family Garroth." Vylad said and shook his hand. This giving news to my family wasn't so bad after all I guess. I'm happy they accept Garroth, especially Vylad because he doesn't like to accept boy's into the family unless we know them well, like Travis is technically my other brother.

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