To O'khasis

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"Thank you so much Zoey for watching the boys for me while we're gone." I said as I gave Levin to Zoey.

"Like I said I'd be happy to watch them whenever you'd like Aphmau." She said and I hugged Malachi.

"Be good boys. I love you." I said and got on my horse and me and Garroth road to O'khasis.


We've been riding for hours and we're only two hours from O'khasis.

"Garroth when you fled O'khasis did it take this long to get to Phoenix Drop?" I asked.

"It took longer for me because I was on foot but about the same time yes." He said.

"Can we rest please I'm tired." I said. He nodded and we stopped the horses.

"Let's rest here for now." He said and helped me off my horse after he got off his.

"I'll set up a camp." He said and I nodded.

"I'm going to the river we saw not to far back." I said and started to walk to the river. When I got there I sat down by the river side and picked a flower. I always did this when I was young with my friend Azura near the river in Scaleswind.


I was five and I had run from my brother yelling at me again for not listening at my lord training. I ran to the river outside of Scaleswind and sat by the side of the river and picked a flower.

"Oh honey did your brother yell again?" Azura said. Even though she's like fifteen she's my friend. I nodded and she sat beside me.

"Here let me show you something." She said and picked the flowers around us up. She started to weave the steams together and soon it looked like a crown. She turned to me and put it on my head. Me being small it just fell on my face.

"Heh you'll grow into the crown. Its a flower crown. I can teach you to make them if you want." She said and I nodded. The rest of the day we spent by the river making flower crowns. I hope I can have a life like this forever.

---End Of Flashback---

"I miss those days so much." I whispered to myself as a tear rolled down my cheek. I wonder where Azura is today. I picked more flowers and then started to make a flower crown. I still have the first crown she made for me, it had purple, white, and blue flowers on it. I made a white and green flower crown and when I see Azura I'm going to give it to her. I looked up and saw it was getting dark out. When I got back to the camp Garroth was sitting by the fire.

"Aph!" He yelled and hugged me.

"What?" I asked.

"You were gone for hours I was worried. I was about to look for you after making the fire but you came back." He said.

"Garroth I'm not going anywhere." I said and then heard a noise. We looked into the woods where the noise from and saw nothing.

"What was that." I said.

"I don't know but I'm going to check. If I don't come back in an hour come looking." He said and ran into the woods. I sat down and looked at the fire hoping for him to be fine.


It's been an hour and he's not back. I'm looking for him.

"Garroth!" I yelled and ran into the woods unarmed.

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