9-Against The Wall

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Gerard had a rough day at work and when he finally got out he went to his favorite bar just for one beer and then back home to sleep. He had a shitload of stress to relieve but he never did, maybe sometimes he got in a fight to relieve his stress, or got really drunk and did something he couldn't remember in the morning, he either woke up with a pain in the ass or just hurting everywhere like he'd been beat up. Now he kinda needed a stress reliever but nothing was in his sight and he was just really pissed off. He just sat in his chair and drank his beer, smoking and sometimes glancing at the artist on the stage, some band made of bunch of teenagers and they kinda sucked. Suddenly someone sat next to him.

"Hey old man, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be fucking your shitty wife at home." Some guy said who suddenly sat next to Gerard, he had black hair with red shaved sides.

"If 25 is old then go ahead, but you're a fucking baby compared to me then." Gerard answered chuckling and looking the guy up and down.

"Oh I'm sorry, the suit was confusing." The guy said smirking and he was kinda annoying the hell out of Gerard, he just wanted to finish his beer in peace, although he found this guy very attractive. It was hard to keep his eyes off of the guy's lip ring, he wanted to play with it, with his tongue.

"Fuck off, kid." Gerard mumbled and turned back to his beer and took a drag of his cigarette.

"Nah man, I wanna stay here, you're hot when you smoke, I was looking from afar and couldn't take my eyes off so I walked over here to tell you how hot it is." The guy said smirking and taking Gerard's pack of smokes from the table and getting one for himself, lighting it. Gerard's jaw dropped, he's never met such an asshole, or someone who pissed him off so much. Gerard completely ignored the compliments the guy had said and snatched the cigarette from him, putting his last one out and smoking the one the guy had lit.

"You're like eight, you can't smoke." Gerard stated kinda angrily.

"Excuse you, I'm 22, give that to me!" He said like a kid whose lollipop got stolen.

"First of all, it's mine, second of all, I don't want you there so can you fuck off." Gerard said angrily.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here until you give up and fuck me." The guy said smirking and getting out his own pack and lighting himself a cigarette.

"Um, I need like three more drinks until I'll fuck you, you're annoying as fuck." Gerard said, annoyed and laughing in disbelief, who did this guy think he was.

"Nah, I think you need just some seducing, I'm Frank by the way." the guy, Frank, said and laughed, ordering his own beer. Gerard just sighed and took a big gulp of his beer.

"I bet you can't make me beg.." Frank muttered smirking and Gerard was already sold, he laughed loudly.

"Oh baby I could make you beg on your knees and scream my name." Gerard said with a confident tone.

"I'd have to know your name first, and honey, I would love to see you try." Frank leaned in to say that last part right to Gerard's ear and he said it with such sexy voice that Gerard couldn't help but shudder lightly at that.

"I'm Gerard." He said and swung the rest of his beer down his throat, he paid the bartender his and Frank's beers, held the cigarette in the side of his mouth.

"Let's go, I live around the corner." Gerard said and tugged Frank along, Frank chuckled but followed along.

When they got to Gerard's place Frank was pushed against the wall roughly and he gasped and groaned. Gerard pinned him against the wall, slid his leg between Frank's legs. Gerard kissed Frank roughly and took his lower lip between his teeth and bit down hard, Frank just moaned at the pain and Gerard smirked, he let go of Frank's lip and the boy was shaking lightly and breathing heavily. Gerard leaned down to bite his neck and Frank's knees gave up for a second, he fell against Gerard's thigh and his cock was pressed against it. He let out a broken moan and Gerard started sucking on the spot hard leaving a huge hickey there, hoping that Frank won't mind.

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