Do You Really

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"Aubrey open the door!" Lilly screams through the door.

I open the door to be blindfolded and yanked into a van. "Hey!"

"Be quiet if you wanna live." A deep raspy voice says.

"Lilly this isn't funny!" The person ties my hands together and puts a gun to my head.

"I SAID BE QUIET!" The car starts moving to God knows where. All that can be heard is talk radio and the low roar of the car engine. It smells of rotten flesh and fabreeze. The continuous thought rubbing through my mind is "What did I do to deserve this?"


River's POV:

After breakfast Jace and I walk out to the cherry blossom field. "This place is one of the very few places in Caraphernelia that is peaceful, safe, and beautiful throughout the years." Although my description is vague he understands. I wonder if he knows how much I've missed him over the years. After everything we've been through.

"Wanna lay under a tree and just hang?" Jace's question startles me from my daze.

"What?" Stupidity coats my voice.

"Do you wanna lay under a tree and just talk?" This time I focus in on his eyes and he on mine. 

"Sounds like a plan," I whisper and blush slightly. We break each other's gaze and go to lay under a flourishing blossom. The wind blows lightly on this sunny day carrying the tree leaves in it's wake. I then look over at Jace and just memorize his face start-to-finish. Every hairline, every pour, every color in his majestic eyes. I mouth to the sky, "I love you." Little do I know that he saw.

"Um.. River?" The shock in his eyes is evident.


"You barely know me. How can you love me?" 

Jace's POV:

"Damn it Jace! I know you better than you know you!" Her flipping out scares me.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Just don't worry about it." 

If only I could tell her that I love her too. If only I wasn't such a coward. If only....


SOOOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED!!!!! BEEN SOOOOO LONG!!! So much school. I promise I will update more. Love you guys <3

~Batman out~

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