Clingy >.<

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"How could you?" I half whispered.


Jace's POV:

I awoke hours later to my alarm clock sounding. The phone has a million text messages from Aubrey, all basically the same. Just one out of the rest was different. It was from Marigan.

I read aloud, "Jace come straight home today after school. I understand that you think you may need to go to Aubrey's house or..." I roll my eyes at this. "whatever, but I need you home. No questions, no if's, and's, or but's. Love you."

Hm I wonder what that is about? I put that on hold and begin getting ready for school. After about twenty minutes I was out the door and headed to school. Aubrey greeted me at my locker when I got there.

"So wanna come over tonight?" She laid her head and shoulder on the locker neck to mine; her body propped outward.

"Can't." I simply say.

"Why? Is it because yesterday? Jace you made me a promise and I intend-" I cut her off.

"Look, Aubrey, it's not about yesterday." My eyes are serious.

"Maybe you shouldn't say it so meanly." Her voice is low, almost a whisper.

"Maybe you should be a little less paranoid." I roll my eyes. "Aubrey I would love to come over, but right now I need to straighten some things out at home ok?" I waited for her conformation.

"Ok. Just don't shut me out?" She squeezed my shoulder and slid her hand down to my hand. Aubrey held on to my pinky and third finger.

"Mhm." I look down at her through my hair.

"Thanks." She pecks my cheek and runs upstairs as everyone else also leaves to their classes. I as well, begin walking to class already late.

"So class begin writing your paper-" I walk in the class and Ms. Claire stops mid-sentence. "Hello Mr. Alexander. Come in please. As I was saying class, start your in-class papers about the revolutionary war now." This subject is easy. I learned about it in 8th grade, since I went to an advanced school.

The time ticks by and I have written nearly 18 front and back pages about the war. I take a quick peek around the room at everyone else who are either stuck, daydreaming, bored, or overthinking. This simple topic should take no thought at all really. As I finish the back of my 20th page I check over the entire paper making sure everything is accurate. Ms. Claire looks up from her ungraded assignments and to me.

"Mr. Alexander?" I look up at her through my bangs. "You are finished?"

"Yes ma'am. Just coming to turn it in now." I walk up, staple my paper, and lay it on her desk. "Thank you, may I leave now ma'am?"

"Certainly Mr. Alexander." Ms. Claire seemed skeptical. Maybe it was because I finished before everyone else, yet we haven't learned this topic in class yet.

I begin to roam the halls when I get pulled into a supply closet. "What the-" I am suddenly bombarded by Aubrey's lips against mine. I break the kiss shortly after. "Aubrey what the hell this about?"

"Nothing just wanted to see you." She runs her finger down my shirt. I catch her finger just as it reaches my mid-section.

"Not now Aubrey. Why must you be so filled with hormones that you allow them to control everything you do?" I let go of her finger.

"Maybe you should be a little looser." She lays her hands on my chest in an innocent manner.

"No. I prefer tight. Look we gotta get to class soon." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and leave.


Okay so I might put another chapter up later😶I'm pretty bored😪at this restaurant so yeah😕Anyways what do you guys think?😋I going to start asking questions❔❔❔of the day🌞and stuff lol😸So for today/night🕛what's an(a) artist/band🎤that you listen🎧to daily📈

This has been a message from Batman📲Signing Off📴


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