Beautiful Secrets

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"Maybe you should be a little looser." She lays her hands on my chest in an innocent manner.

"No. I prefer tight. Look we gotta get to class soon." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and leave.


River's POV:

She looked at me in a dazed, or stunned. "I-"

I cut her off before she can continue. "Why would you keep something from me? Something so important to me? Why Luciel? Why?" The tears begin to fall effortlessly.

"It was to protect you-" the look of disgust on my face was clear.

"Protect me! From what! My life!" Rage filled my mind and body.

"No, to protect you from what killed them Riv-" She begins to move closer to me

"No." I put a hand up.


"No! Stop! There is absolutely nothing you can say that will make this situation better." Rage takes over. I have no more control. "Did you lie about everything!? Jace isn't even coming is he!? I can't believe I'd actually believe you of all fucking people! Why don't you just go die in a fucking hole for God's sake!" Tears boil in my eyes as I yell and scream my feels all out in the air.

"River-" her hand is held out in a calm down manner.

"Just leave me alone you elf!" I storm out of the room and run to the cemetery. The fountain is as gorgeous as every on a gray day. The clouds collect in the sky; dark and beginning to pour. The tears file out one by on like the rain from the sky. I think what it would be like to collide with the sky. Would it hurt? Maybe it'll be swift and smooth? My thoughts consume me like a dragon swallowing it's dinner in one sitting. Somehow they all lead back to Jace finding me sitting here.

Jace's POV:

That's when it happens, right as I am coming down the stairs from 5th period class. I get sucked through the portal. It fells as if I am being ripped apart from going through a black hole. All of a sudden I hit a hard ground. I take a look around. There is a sword on the ground; I decide to pick it up. As I am admiring the bluish black sword I see a majestic fountain of gold. Out of instinct I'm immediately drawn to it. The beauty is enchanting. My mouth feels dry and I feel thirsty. Deciding to go drink the fountain I walk over and cup my hands. Just before I am about to drink up, I see her. The girl from my dreams is sitting right in front of me. Thoughts and ideas race through my mind. Quickly I drink the water but as I swallow pain radiates through my body. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Tears part from my eyes when she comes over to me in a haste.

"Jace! Oh my god did you drink from this fountain!" Her voice is soothing.

"Yes! What the fuck is happening to me!" I scream in frustration.

"That's your body responding to the poison. You don't remember any of this do you?" Her voice is full of concern.

"No I don't. I only saw this in dreams." I get a little aggravated with the increasing pain in my head. "Could you please get something to stop this pain."

"There is nothing for it. We'll have to take you to Yorlum." She is sincere even though I am being rude.

"Well let's get going this is killing me! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I lash out and scream. I can't take the pain. My body feels like it is going through a meat grinder.

"You have to accept the pain. I'm sure you know all about that though." She points at the scars etched into my skin. How does she know about those?

I relax and and let the pain flow over me. My mind tries to resist out of instinct, but I still am able to get myself to relax enough for the pain to disappear. "Thank you." I feel beads of sweat on my forehead. My head is still spinning as an aftereffect.

"Come on let's get you to a bed. You need rest and this place is too dangerous at night you know." She warns me as if I should know what terrible creatures lurk in the dark. "Well are you coming or not?" The mystery girl is holding her hand out. An offer for me to allow her to help. I wrap my hand around her palish hands.

"So, River right?" At least I believe that that is her name from the dreams I've had about her.

"Yeah?" Her deep purple, light blue eyes flash my way. She is all I imagined her to be.

"This may sound crazy, but why have I been having dreams about this place? More specifically, you?" My hair falls over my blushing face.

"The last time you were here we became blood bound. It's a ceremony where two people slit the wrist and then someone ties thread around the wrist so the blood flows together. You did it to save my life. We were both kids but you insisted. Now wherever we are we can get visions or dreams of each other. We have a psychic connection to each other, that's why you get the dreams. I, on the other hand, have learned to control the visions and can see your past present and future. Once you figure that out though, don't stalk me." We laughed in unison and both blush. Her hiding behind a veil of electric blue and black, me a veil of red and black.

By the time we reach the house, River has caught me up on everything that happened last time I was here. She walks me inside and I practically pass out right there on the couch. When I awake my nose is greeted by the the aroma of eggs and bacon pancakes. I look behind the couch to see River in short shorts and a white long sleeve BLACK VEILED BRIDES shirt that has one sleeve falling over her shoulder a little. We are literally in a tree with the inside carved out to be a house.

"So bacon pancakes huh?" I try to make conversation.

"Yep, but you're making your own plate mister." She points her fork my way.

"Yes mom." I mock her.

"And don't forget to clean your mess young man." She plays along.

"So many chores." I jokingly complain.

"Oh but eat up though. I put the cure to the poison in you's. Turns out we didn't need Yorlum anyway." A subtle smile spreads across her face.

She walks over to help me to the table. "I'm not in that much pain anymore River. You don't need to do this for me."

"I don't have to. I want to." After slowly setting me in the chair, she gets my plate. I stare at her as her focus is elsewhere.

"She is so beautiful" I think to myself, admiring her and everything she is.


Ok so I decided to make this chapter longer to make up for me not updating for about 2-3 days. Look I'm sorry, I also need some chill time ok? Is that so much to ask!? Lol sorry I'm kinda of disorderly today and just everywhere. Anyways enjoy. Appreciation for likes and comments thanks :)

This has been a message from Batman📲Signing off📴


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