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Jace's POV:

It was pitch black; nothing could be seen for miles. I did not understand what was happening until hands reached out at me through the darkness. The hands were made of black smoke that was pouring off the hands through the soft wind. As the hands got closer I noticed that they were not human hands. They started to take solid form revealing razor sharp claws attached to black scaled fingers and hands. On the end of the hands, short string-bean arms extended. Above them, nostrils with what seemed like a rhino's horn, was in the middle of the snout. The nostrils flared as they sniffed the horrid air that smelled like dead bodies were littering the ground at my feet. Teeth, plac stains laminating the surface, appeared on a face with blood red cat eyes. I fell backwards as, what looked like a dragon, came through the black abyss.

"You musss' be the chossssen one. Ahahahahahahaha! Sssssso puny! A delightful treat." The dragon smiled slurring his "s'" as he talked.
I was taken aback when he spoke. "You must be the dreadful Drakneezim." I wiped my face from all the spit the terrible monster put upon my face when he slithered his bruised colored tongue.

"Dreadful? I am not dreadful." He scoffed at me. "There issss a difference between dreadful and not liked young one."

"Whatever." I wiped another load of spit from my face.

"What? Do I bother you child? Do my sssspeaking habitsss irritated you?" More spit flew my way. I was getting aggravated.

"Yes they do. Could you like stop spitting on me." My voice was calm and collective.

"Maybe I ssshould take care of that for you." Out of now where his head came shooting down at me, his mouth wide and ready for a meal. I put my arms over me in defensive instinct and then a girl with a blue-black sword comes flying out of the darkness and slices the dragon's head off. I am enticed by her beauty. She wears black jeans with a white Pierce The Veil shirt. Her hair is electric darkish blue with black ends, and is also styled in an emo manner. Snake bites, lip ring, and black lipstick. She is gorgeous. She flashes a smile my way and her deep purple eyes, that have light blue in the outer ring, shine without light.

"We'll come on Jace." She giggles. Her voice is silk, her giggle music to my ears. I start walking towards her, as I am just about to reach her a blood stained sword comes shooting through her. She gasps and her legs buckle.

"RIVER!!!!!" I yell out her name and begin running towards her as a tear runs down her cheek.


I wake in a heap of sweat. My hair matted; it's ruffles fall atop my eyes as I sit up. My light grey eyes darted everywhere making me dizzy. I closed my eyes in attempt to calm my mind. I start Junior year tomorrow. Great. Another day in paradise. I focus on the task at hand.

Who is River?


Hai everyone!!!👋This is my first time writing a story of my own on Wattpad so...👀Let me know what you think💭Votes will be deeply appreciated💚and comments on bettering my work work will be taken into account☑


This has been a message from Batman📲Signing off📴

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