Chapter 4

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Recap: This scissor blade was left behind by the same scumbag that killed my Father, Now you're going to tell me who this thing belongs to. SATSUKI KIRYUIN!!!!!

Ryuko and you confronted Satsuki as the one star students took care of Takaharu's dead body. Satsuki looked at Ryuko and smirked at him

'What is he planing'

You thought.

"So your name is Ryuko Matoi, interesting, so that means that you are Isshin Matoi's Son."

"I knew it, you knew who my father was!"

Ryuko then fell to his knees.


You yelled as You ran towards him. As you ran, one of the one star students threw daggers that reopened your wounds. You scream so loud that Satsuki almost jumped off his pedestal to help you.

"(Y/N), GET OUT OF HERE!!!!"

"Ryuko, you're going to pass out. Grab (Y/N) and get out of here."

" So what? You said you wanted blood, you getting full now."

Senketsu rolled his...eye and sigh.

"No, But in about 5 minutes, you are going to lose consciousness."

Ryuko got pissed at Satsuki as he grab you and your body close to him.

'Don't worry (Y/N), I will redress your wounds and get you out.'

"We'll finish this later, Satsuki Kiryuin. COUNT ON IT!!!!"

Ryuko grab your body and his scissor blade and Ran away. Ryuko got on one of the trolleys. Ryuko fell as the trolley stoped, the last thing he saw was Mako's little brother dragging (Y/N) and Himself somewhere.

~Time skip and (Y/N) POV~
I felt a body on top of me and heard someone panting. As I open my eyes I saw Some old guy in possibly in his 30's rubbing his... thingy on me *yes, it's mako's dad, I had to add him XD* I punch him with all my might and he hit the ceiling then face planted on the ground.


You reach for your sword that's on back, but it wasn't for there.

"Crap, Where's my sword?"

Mako then came up behind you and give you your sword.

"Here you go!" Mako said cheerfully.

"Thanks, now watch it , mako. This guy was trying to mess with me!"

You said as Ryuko was waking up too.

"Geez Dad, what are you doing?"


You paniced then bow as an apologie.

"I'm so sorry"

Ryuko then sat next to you.

"Wow, I'm seeing stars. You got one heck of a punch."

Mako nodded.

"I'll say, I was in trouble at school and they saved my life."

Mataro then walked into the room.

"Yeah, you guys were totally badass. Ryuko swinging that scissor blade around, dressed as a male hooker, only a psycho would fight with their nipples out and your BEST FRIEND defended you with their life on the line. THAT WAS AWESOME!!"

"Shut up, I got my reasons for that. By the way, thanks (Y/N) for what happen back there. If you weren't there, I wouldn't see you again. So Thank you"

Ryuko said as he hit Mataro to the ground. I smiled at him.

"No problem"

a women then came out of the door besides us and smiled at Ruyko and I.

"If hitting the heck out of my son and husband makes you both feel better, you just go right on ahead.

"Hey mako, who is she?"

"Hm, oh, that my mother. Her name is Sukuyo Mankanshoku."

~Time skip and Ryuko's POV~


(Y/N) whispered to herself.

"if you guys are wondering who patched you guys up, it was daddy. He's a back ally doctor. He killed way more patience then he saved."

I looked at Mako, confused.

"Um, Mako? I don't thing that's a good thing"

"please, at least the dead one can't sue the crap out of you. Now I'm I right or I'm I right?"

Mako's mother then came out of the kitchen with a big pot.

"That's right, honey. Now, if you're hungry eat up. It might not be fancy bur at least it's filling."

(Y/N) grab me arm and hugged it tightly.

"Dig in. My mom is the best cook in the world! There is some Croquettes with I don't know what, and stew with all kind of unknown stuff in it."

"Oh, don't listen to him. I only use non-poisonous ingredient."

I grab (Y/N)'s waist and pulled her closer to me. As (Y/N) started to eat, a dog came in and started to eat straight from my plate.

"Whoa, Bad boy! Your bowl is outside!"

Mako said as he threw the dog out the window but the dog just came back in to steal my food. Mataro then looked up at me and (Y/N).

"His name is guts since he eats with a lot of guts."

As the dog, Guts ate my food, (Y/N) just looked at him and sigh.



"Would you like to share with me?"

I blushed but nodded anyway.

'Man, I had the guts to start a fight with Satsuki, but I can't tell (Y/N) my feeling towards her. Well who knew?'

♡Author's note= I will be starting a anime oneshot book soon, so if you like I will take request of what characters you want also I will do genderbends, see you until the next chapter. BYE!!!!♡

Fight For Her:Male!Ryuko Matoi x Reader x Male!Satsuki Kiryuin (On Hold For Now)Where stories live. Discover now