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the evening went quick and yoongi knew he'd have to leave soon. the two spent their evening eating pizza and playing mario kart; yoongi beating jimin at every race of course.

"okay who ever wins this time can have the last slice of pizza" jimin announced licking his lips at the sight of the breath taking pizza.

yoongi nodded cracking his knuckles with a devilish smirk plastered on his smug face.

both the colourful boys watch the tv screen count down and began their bet jimin sat crossed legged on floor while yoongi kneeled next to him, hands rapidly attacking the controller.

and in the end yoongi won due to his gaming skills, he turned to the younger his smirk bigger than before. he then picked up the slice of pizza sniffing it dramatically to make jimin jealous.

jimin sat watching yoongi eat the last slice of pizza, he pouted puffing out his cheeks in defeat. the two then sat back on the wide sofa and giggled due to the awkwardness.

both the boy just sat on the sofa leaning against each other, jimin looked down at yoongi. he'd fallen asleep on his shoulder.

jimin thought it was cute and picked up the older and carried him to bed. covering him up with the thin quilt and kissed his cheek. he then got in bed himself and soon fell asleep.


yoongi picked up his new notebook and began to write.

'i should go home...'

"nooooo please yoongi i like spending time with you" jimin pleaded holding the olders arm so he couldn't move.

yoongi shook his head smiling at the youngers child-like attitude. yoongi kept trying to pull away so he could leave not wanting to burden jimins mum.

"fine" jimin whined "but you have to come back tomorrow after school" the red head smiled wrapping his short arms snaking around his hyungs slender waist. yoongi giggled quietly ruffling the youngers soft hair and getting his belonging from jimins room.

"ill walk you home" jimin chirped wanting to spend more time with his hyung. but yoongi shook his head a scared expression sitting on his pale face. "oh never mind then" jimin said rubbing the back of his muscular neck.

the shorter then watched his hyung make his way home, he made sure to keep looking at yoongi until he couldn't see him anymore.

when yoongi got home he opened the door slowly making sure not to wake his dad. all the lights were off and yoongi suspected he was at the bar again or passed out in his room.

he gagged as he inhaled. the smell of alcohol and cigarettes was the only scent that filled the air.

the mint boy then shut the door as the lights came on, yoongi was greeted by the familiar sight. his once loving father that had turned into a horrible parent that only cared about having enough money to buy himself alcohol.

"where've you been?" mr min shouted taking a sip from a green glass bottle that glistening under the dim light.

yoongis body froze in place, he felt like throwing up. normally his dad wouldn't notice he was out but he seem more sober than usual.

"answer me" mr min screamed pushing yoongi and causing him to stumble onto his backpack which slightly cushioned his landing. but was then kicked in the stomach by his dad.

yoongi whimpered trying to hold back his tears when he cried in front of his father he'd call him weak and either punch or kick him. he then just shrugged to scared to answer properly.

"pathetic" his dad screamed once again throwing his now empty glass bottle at yoongi. luckily the bottle smashed near his head but a few broken pieces landed on his right cheek.

"i missed" he muttered towering over the quivering yoongi.

the smaller could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body and picked up his backpack and sprinted to his room making sure to pry his desk chair under the door handle.

the boys hands were shaking he throat ached from sobbing, he wanted jimin to hold him and tell him everything was okay. yoongi went to the far corner of his room were his bed was pressed against a damp wall.

slow footsteps could be heard coming up the noisy stairs.

"open the fucking door you piece of shit"

mr min continue to bang on yoongis door harshly hoping to scare him.

the trembling boy hid under his thin covers hugging himself pretending it was jimin holding him. the loud bangs kept going on the thick door.

on the other side mr min gave up and slide down onto the floor outside yoongis door.

"ill get you" he laughed the alcohol kicking in.

yoongi couldn't stop crying and tried to muffle his sobs, he just wanted jimin by his side to rescue him from his living nightmare. the mint boys sobs stopped as he began to calm down and he slowly slipped into his slumber.

haiii thank you for reading your comments literally make my day ^^ i kinda suck at writing angsty stuff so sorry if it isn't as good or if there's lots of typos. ily~

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