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mrs park went into jimins, (for once) tidy room. when she walked in the first thing she saw an upset yoongi with tear stained cheeks. and a worried jimin holding him and caressing his slightly pink cheeks.

"oh yoongi what's wrong?" mrs park asked concerned and sitting on the edge of jimins bed.

the red head looked at his hyung, and yoongi nodded.

"mum...yoongis dad is becoming abusive, can he please stay with us" jimin pleaded pulling yoongis face to his chest.

anger quickly washed over mrs park. her normally calm and caring face turned into a disgusted look; her nostrils flaring and her eyes flashing.

jimin became scared of his mother, the last time he saw that look on her face is went she went ballistic and threw mr park out.

he still remembers the day; his dad was lecturing him about how being gay was horrific and wrong. mrs park overheard the conversation and the next day, when her husband went out to work she changed all the locks and threw all his belonging on the front garden.

"ill go down there and use my frying pan on his face" mrs park exclaimed her hands closing into fists.

"mum calm down, you're scaring yoongi" jimin mumbled trying to hold the older in a protective way.

"im sorry yoongi, you can stay here as long as you like" mrs park chirped her temper going down to reveal her kind face again.

yoongi was ever so grateful and bowed slightly to show his appreciation.


yoongi looked over at jimins digital clock. '21:45'.

the mint haired boy was feeling icky after all his crying and wanted to take a shower.

'can i use your shower'

jimin read yoongis slightly improved handwriting, and smiled.

"of course you can"

jimin left the room so yoongi had it too himself and went into the kitchen to talk to his mum.

mrs park was making hot chocolate for all three of them, adding whipped cream and a few marshmallows on top.

"...mum" jimin mumbled playing with his hands.

"yes sweetie" mrs park replied sitting down at the kitchen table along with jimin, placing his drink in front of him.

"so...valentines day is coming up and-"

"you're gonna ask yoongi to be your boyfriend" mrs interrupted trying not to giggle like a little fangirl.

"h-how did you know" jimin stuttered.

"mothers instinct" mrs park smiled tapping her forehead.

"i want to plan something, and ask him to be mine..." jimin said quietly becoming extremely embarrassed talking about this with his mum, he could feel his cheeks getting warmer and warmer.

"cuuuute" mrs was squealing uncontrollably and patted jimins cheeks from across the table.

"my baby's all grown up" she smiled ruffling his faded red hair.

soon enough yoongi came down wearing one of jimins white tshirts and a pair of his sweatpants.

"ah yoongi~" mrs park beamed giving the boy his hot chocolate; the cream had slightly melted but it didn't bother yoongi.

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