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it was a cold school day and everyone was sat inside eating their crappy school meal. and as always yoongi was sat by himself he never ate anything he just sat sipping a small apple juice box and for once was not writing in his beaten notebook.


jimin quickly ran over to yoongi sat in the rejected corner of the lunch room. 

yoongi looked up with a glum expression and lifted his left arm up and slightly waved at jimin. the red head scanned the lone table all was there was yoongis half drank juice box and his black backpack.

"wheres your notebook?" jimin questioned sitting next to yoongi, a bit too closely.

yoongi was stiff for a moment but then simply shrugged picking up his juice box and held the straw while drinking, jimins heart melted the older looked so adorable to him.

"you're so cute" jimin muttered, quickly covering his mouth with his tiny hands realising he was speaking out loud and not in his head.

both the boy stared at each other in shock while a pink tint washed over both the boys cheeks.

"i-im s-sorry" jimin stuttered playing with his hands looking down at the dirty school floor feeling more heat rush to his chubby cheeks.

yoongis heart was racing like it was going to jump out of his chest, he wanted to respond but he still didn't feel comfortable talking so he pulled out his phone and held it close to his face his tongue sticking out to the side of his teeny mouth as he typed on his notes. he then shoved his phone in front of jimin face looking away.

jimin read the typed sentence.

'i think you're cute too (◕﹏◕✿)'

the two boys then locked eyes blushing, both of them felt awkward.

yoongi then lifted his right arm pointing his index finger and went back typing closely on his cased phone.

'thank you for winning me a pikachu ^^ ♡'

jimin blushed as he read and saw the heart on the typed text and covered his face, while yoongi kept playing with the strings on his oversized jumper and hid his face in the fabric.

"its okay i like arcades" jimin face palmed at his words he sounded so awkward but yoongi silently giggled, the awkwardness was fading from the air.

"c-can i have your number" jimin croaked immediately regretting his decision.

but to his surprise yoongi handed jimin his phone, yoongi gave jimin a gummy smile that melted his heart. yoongi watched jimin fiddle with his phone making sure he wouldn't break his second prized possession.

"yoongi where your notebook?" jimin asked again giving yoongi his phone back.

the mint haired boy became stiff and shook his head quickly messing up his fringe, but still looked adorable in jimin eyes.


it was the end of the school day and yoongi and jimin made their way out of the crowded hell forsaken building, the two small boys had exchanged numbers and had gotten a little closer but yoongi still hasn't spoken but jimin didn't mind he found yoongis shyness cute. the pair lived in opposite directions and walked separate ways.

"see you later" jimin beamed cringing a the highness in his voice.

yoongi just simply waved and made his way home.

when jimin got home it was the usual; his mom wasn't home due to work and there was the typical note stuck on the fridge saying 'order some food' and 'ill be back late' written on a post it. jimin sighed he was never close with his family and was an only child so didn't have anyone to spend time with. jimin plopped his bag onto the kitchen table and made his way to his room and sat at his cramped desk beginning to do his homework.

while yoongis household was a little different which is why he never talked about his family...


after a while jimin had fallen asleep while studying due to boredom but was awaken by his phone vibrating in his pocket. the called id said yoongi and jimin quickly answered the phone.


there was muffled sobs coming from the other end of the line.

"yoongi are you okay whats wrong?" jimin exclaimed sitting up straight beginning to worry.

the line was silent for awhile.

" me" 

jimin was astonished at the sound of yoongis voice, it was raspy and deep however it was full of sadness. but the call was then ended, instinctively jimin texted yoongi.

jimin: yoongi where are you?

jimin: are you okay ?

jimin: why are you crying?

yoongi: im at a store...

jimin: where?!

yoongi: the one near school just please hurry im so scared...

jimin quickly put on his coat and began to run the sound of yoongis voice still not sinking in.

thank you for 700+ reads and 100+ votes on my crappy story it means a lot 

14/06/16; the fucking cringe ugh

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