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it was morning and jimin woke up first watching yoongi in his sleeping state; eyelids closed against the dim light and his breathing deep and relaxed the innocence showed on his sleeping face as his mind blocked out the horror and pain lived out each and everyday.

"yoongi get up, it's morning now" jimin whined pushing his hyungs shoulder lightly

yoongis eyes shot open he was still confused about last night. he pushed the thought aside and followed jimin to the kitchen bringing his notebook and pen with him.

"morning boys" mrs park smiled serving bacon and eggs.

both of the colourful boys licked their lips the food looked scrumptious.

"eat up and don't be shy to ask for anything" she smiled and went upstairs to get changed.

as the boys ate their perfectly made breakfast, questions flooded yoongis head.

"you okay?" jimin asked softly noticing the dumbfound look on his hyungs cute face.

yoongi shook his head and put a small piece of bacon in his mouth. he chewed slowly trying to make sense of his vague memories, it felt like déjà vu.

after quickly finishing his breakfast he picked up his pen and wrote slowly trying to make his handwriting more neat like jimins.

the younger just watched, still in the middle of eating. yoongi turned his notebook around for jimin to read.

'im confused about yesterday'

"what's confusing you?" jimin replied with a mouth full of food in his chubby cheeks.

yoongi wrote his reply quickly.

'did i go home last night?'

jimin nose scrunched up his nose and his eyebrows knitted closer together in thought.

"no we played mario cart and you fell asleep on me, so i carried you to bed" jimin explained, a small smile appearing on his lips as he remembered the fun he had spending with the older.

yoongi just nodded slowly tapping his pen on the wooden table while thinking.

he then placed his pen on the page again.

'what happened after that'

jimin read and put down his cutlery and looked yoongi in the eye. not knowing why yoongi had forgotten what occurred last night.

"you had a nightmare about something that happened between you and your dad and we...cuddled" jimin blushed as the scene when yoongi held him entered his mind.

yoongi stiffened up and looked at his hands a hue of red spread throughout his cheeks as they burned from embarrassment.

the awkwardness had risen in the air again.

yoongi was finally making sense of his thoughts, he had dreamt about what his dad had done before he called jimin at the store that night. the memory was haunting him in a way, normally his dad would only hurt him verbally and not physically. 

"can you tell me why you called me that night?" jimin mumbled, showing his eye smile that melted yoongis heart.

yoongi finally decided he could trust jimin and thought it would be okay to tell him...

and he began to write again still to shy and scared to talk.

finally, after what seemed like forever yoongi turned his notebook back around for jimin to read.

'when i was younger and my mum passed away, my dad used to tell me he had to drink his "medicine". and when i turned twelve i finally realised what his medicine really was and knew he was an alcoholic... around when i was fifteen, he started drinking more and more it became all he cared about and he started getting violent-' 

jimin looked up and saw that yoongi was spilling silent tears, it broke his heart. yoongi gave him a reassuring smile and wiped them away. jimin smiled back and carried on reading.

'that night when i called you, he got mad at me for coming home from school late and not buying him any alcohol like i normally did. he called me names and pushed me to the ground...... and basically i ran to my room and waited till he passed out due to the alcohol then ran to the first place i saw and your the only number i had in my phone so i called you'

jimin was becoming teary eyed, the thought of living in such an unloving home made his heart ache. his brow furrowed,eyes darting to yoongis face in concern.

"yoongi im so sorry, i never knew" jimins voice cracked near the end as a tear escaped his eye. he loved the older dearly and the thought of him being hurt angered him. the younger ran over to his hyung and wrapped his arms around his cold body.

yoongi just sat with an emotional face, hed finally told somebody and he felt ten times better. 

"you're cold" jimin cooed, he then walked to the spare room near the kitchen where his family kept fresh laundry and picked up his beloved black sweater.

the older sat waiting for jimin to return.

"put this on" jimin smiled holding the sweater and putting it over yoongis head, dressing him like a child.  

yoongi was blushing hiding his face in jimins sweater and hiding his hands in the sleeves, jimin picked up both of their plates and left them in the sink for his mum to clean later.

when he sat back at the table yoongi had wrote another note and was looking at his sleeves while jimin read the piece of paper in front of him.

'can we cuddle again.......'

jimin blushed slightly and nodded, taking the boys hand and made their way to jimins room.

both the boys often wondered what they were to each other but always pushed the thought aside, just enjoying each others company. but they both wanted more....

this is like a thousand words oml and im sorry i confused some of you guys.... basically if you still don't understand yoongi didn't go home and just dreamt of what happened before he called jimin at the store hehehe.... sorry again i didn't mean for it to be so confusing *hides in bushes* but still thanks for reading ^^~

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